[See original text, by Gary DeMar, here.]
It seems like such a simple question for a Christian to answer. The answer seems so easy. Obviously, the resurrection is more important, now and in eternity. If there had been no resurrection of Christ, our faith would be vain. [See 1 Corinthians 15:13-17]
But this immediately raises a second question: Which is more important, the effects of Christ’s resurrection in history or the effects of Adam’s Fall (God’s curse of the ground) in history? The answer to this corollary question is going to make a lot of very dedicated Christians unhappy. The effects of Christ’s resurrection are more important, as time goes by, than the effects of Adam’s Fall.
The implications of this statement, if believed and put into daily practice, would revolutionize the Christian world. In fact, they would revolutionize the entire fallen world. We can go farther: the implications will revolutionize the fallen world. Yet this is what most Christians categorically deny today. They deny it because they have been taught, implicitly and explicitly, that the effects of Adam’s Fall are overwhelmingly, inevitably more powerful in history than Christ’s resurrection. [1]
On today’s podcast, we run the first part of an interview between Gary North and Cal Beisner about worldviews and how they influence everything, including environmental issues. The Apocalyptic Environmentalists have been the majority voice in the media for decades. Cal and his organization, the Cornwall Alliance, work to inform, educate, and motivate Christians to get involved with facts, truth, and optimism.
[1] Adapted from Gary North’s book, Is the World Running Down?