Article by Brendan O’Neill.
Jay Bhattacharya is right: ‘scientism’ is a menace to truth and liberty.
But Bhattacharya’s mission is less one of personal vengeance than of scientific restoration. He told his hearing that he wants to bring back ‘the very essence of science’ to the NIH. And what might that be? ‘Dissent’, he said.
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That we scientists found ourselves in the position of telling the masses they ‘shouldn’t be saying goodbye to [their] grandfather as he’s dying in a hospital’ was awful, he said. What we should have done is say ‘Here’s what the risks are’, and then let people decide whether to take them.
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That we scientists found ourselves in the position of telling the masses they ‘shouldn’t be saying goodbye to [their] grandfather as he’s dying in a hospital’ was awful, he said. What we should have done is say ‘Here’s what the risks are’, and then let people decide whether to take them.