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4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted in a Cowardly Globalist Mind War

Article by Brandon Smith.

Others might call it “spiritual warfare”. It’s basically the same.


With the advent of civilian populations armed with military grade weaponry and familiar with the training required for combat, elitist groups realized (post American Revolution) that dominating the public with military might was no longer a sure bet. They had to engage in a new kind of warfare using psychological attacks until they could weaken and disarm the populace. The new system of oppressing was about mental coercion; to make people believe that the authoritarian ideal is inevitable.

A greater factor in the mind war, though, is the shift of the Overton Window by making cultural pillars into cultural villains. This is being accomplished through the creation of the deconstruction religion, or what we sometimes call the “Cult of Woke.”

Name any cultural value or principle that defines the western world, such as meritocracy, independence, self reliance, mental toughness, liberty (with responsibility), legacy through hard work and family, the protection of children from perversions, discipline over hedonism, logic and reason over fanaticism, conservation of heritage and history and for many people the tenets of Christian duty. These are all pillars of our society which the woke cult seeks to destroy. In every way I can imagine it is a psychological war on the west, all of it funded through billions of dollars in grants from globalist think tanks like the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the Open Society Foundation.

The globalists view public manipulation and social engineering as their birthright. They think it’s their manifest destiny, and they suggest often that humanity would somehow decay and self destruct without their influence.

In a once obscure internal US Army document titled ‘From Psyop To Mindwar’, the military value of sabotage through 4th Generation methods is described in detail. The treatise outlines the idea of causing a target population to self enslave by undermining its core structures through psychological warfare. The paper was written in 1980 by Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, a devout satanist, and Colonel Paul Vallely, who would later become a General.

Aquino’s theory was essentially that the US Army was under-utilizing psychological operations as a background to kinetic operations. He argued that psyops could be used as the front line weapon to destroy an enemy nation (or control a domestic population) without the exploitation of standard munitions.

The key to grasping the situation is to accept that a war is upon us. Woke is a psychological operation devised by globalists, and it is currently battling to become the one and only system of thought – A morally relativist system of thought. It relies on a specific circumstance in order to succeed: The idea that men of the west will not take on a fighting posture in the face of psychological attack. As long as we continue to see war only as fighting with guns, we will remain docile in the face of a more advanced cultural bombardment.

For 4th Gen Warfare to prevail the target population has to follow a certain set of rules while the other side operates without rules. They have to be allowed to pursue all-out destruction against their enemy while the other side is admonished for doing anything remotely defensive, including speaking up. But what happens when patriots stop caring about being admonished? What happens when the optics are no longer relevant? What happens when the goal goes from winning in politics or in the halls of public discourse to winning the actual conflagration in front of us?

When this happens, everything in America and the western world will change. For good or ill will really depend on who is left to rebuild once the smoke clears.

New Development in the NZ data leak case

Major figure declares: shots looking bad

Writes Tom Woods in his latest newsletter:

Last week I noted the “shut up — you’re not an expert” problem.

One person who’s had to endure that is the controversial Steve Kirsch, who’s not a medical professional but who can interpret numbers the way any intelligent person can, and who has suggested that the numbers when it comes to the Covid shots are, to say the least, not favorable.

I have this crazy idea that people on both sides should be able to speak, and that people can decide what to do. I don’t think some people should be silenced because they might be wrong and might influence some people to make bad decisions. I don’t trust whoever would be in charge of telling us which side is allowed to speak.

At any rate, Kirsch (whom I’ve tried without success to interview on the Tom Woods Show) has been talking lately about the situation in New Zealand. Remember when it was held up to us as a great success story? If only we’d erected a totalitarian state we might have done as well as New Zealand!

Well, now New Zealand isn’t looking too good. Data has just been leaked that cast the shots in a particularly bad light in terms of excess deaths in that country, that people had not known about.

The usual suspects are telling him that he’s not an expert, that he should shut up, etc.

(He may not be an “expert” on the strictly medical side, but in order simply to interpret data why would he have to be?)

Well, Harvey Risch of the Yale School of Public Health has suddenly jumped in on Kirsch’s side.

Risch says: “I think that you’ve made a very strong case that the Covid genetic vaccines are associated with appreciably increased mortality rates for 6-12 months after each dose. This is particularly compelling in people over age 65. I am not aware of actual evidence that the increased post-vaccine mortality that you’ve shown has a different cause.”

Risch’s remark doesn’t make Kirsch correct; Kirsch’s analysis stands or falls on its own. But now that Risch has weighed in — and Risch is a major scholar at a major program — it’s harder to dismiss it as the ravings of a dummy who’s commenting in an area outside his proper lane.

Likewise, it doesn’t hurt that my book Diary of a Psychosis, released last week, contains a foreword by Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, of Stanford University.

I followed Jay from the beginning, when he was reporting the good news that whatever it was that was circulating, it wasn’t nearly as deadly as the authorities were saying.

You’d think that would have made people happy. Trust me, it didn’t.

Jay wound up being targeted by name by the Biden White House, which urged social media platforms to suppress his voice.

Jay never aspired to be anyone’s hero. “I just want to do science,” he told me in his most recent appearance on the Tom Woods Show.

To have someone with Jay’s courage and integrity — and yes, “medical credentials” — write the foreword to my book has been a huge boon for me.

Not to mention: the state surgeon general the New York Times hates, Florida’s Joseph Ladapo, wrote a generous endorsement of the book.

As did Matt Ridley, recently retired from the UK’s House of Lords.

What makes the Bible unique

Says Gary North:

What makes the Bible unique among all books is its permanent ethical
applicability within a world of historical change. This is because it is the Word of
God. It applies perpetually because it is valid eternally. No other document in man’s
history has possessed or can possess this characteristic.

(From the book: “The Judeo-Christian Tradition”, p. 89, FN 6)

On the effects of the Pill

Jordan Peterson speaks with Dr. Sarah Hill.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with researcher, professor, and author, Dr. Sarah Hill. They break down sex-based differences in regret, competition, and academia; the balance between life exposure and safeguarding when raising a child; the practice of “mate-choice copying” among women; and why our hormones are a foundational part not just of our physical makeup, but also of who we are and who we have the potential to become.

Dr. Sarah E. Hill is a researcher and professor at TCU and author of “This is your brain on birth control: the surprising science of women, hormones, and the law of unintended consequences”. In addition to being at the forefront of research on women’s sexual psychology, Sarah is also a sought-after speaker, consultant, and media expert in the area of women’s hormones and sexual psychology.