9 minute video here.
He ends by saying nothing in Beethoven’s music is remarkable – except ‘the form’, meaning that every note is exactly right, ‘as if he’d had a direct line to heaven, to God.’
9 minute video here.
He ends by saying nothing in Beethoven’s music is remarkable – except ‘the form’, meaning that every note is exactly right, ‘as if he’d had a direct line to heaven, to God.’
Article by Gary North (from 2007).
Article by Ira Katz.
In the counter cultural era that I grew up in, listening to classical music could be considered to be the real counter cultural expression. But this was not my intent at all. I was more like the naive child who noticed the emperor’s new clothes were nothing compared to those old clothes.
A young German Christian (Catholic) woman discusses the topic (in English) here.
Article by Marian Halcombe
The real division in political as in cultural and religious life is between those who accept that Christ is King over all nations and all men and those who do not.
Article by Charles Coulombe
This new year of 2025 will mark, in December, the centennial of Pope Pius XI’s extraordinary encyclical Quas Primas. Written at a time when the great “isms” of the 19th and 20th centuries were well-nigh triumphant over the remnants of old Christendom and those who had fought for her, it was a proud battle cry. In the face of a world dominated by varying ideologies who shared, amid their antipathies, mutual hatred of God and His Church, Pius dared to declare that
If, therefore, the rulers of nations wish to preserve their authority, to promote and increase the prosperity of their countries, they will not neglect the public duty of reverence and obedience to the rule of Christ.
Article by Brandon Smith.
The fury over Hegseth, in my view, gives us a peak behind the curtain at what the establishment truly fears, and their fear is triggered by unabashed Christianity. But not just that – It’s Hegseth’s veneration of old Christianity and a time when Christians controlled much of the known world. People like Hegseth are usually obstructed from entering government because they are standard bearers of a philosophy which terrifies globalists.
Is Hegseth a proponent of Christian empire? Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. However, if he is, I wonder if that would be such a bad thing?
Writes Luke O’Hara:
The Shroud of Turin has survived over the centuries to provide us with a weapon to defeat the lies of the Evil One in our day.
Continue reading here.
Article from 2012.
Says astronomer Hugh Ross here. (44 minutes)