Category Archives: Christianity

You Know Better Than I

Song from the animation film "Joseph the Dreamer"


Some quotes from comments underneath:

The song is performed when Joseph is at his lowest point, almost giving up on his faith. He decides to trust fully in God and acknowledge that he is the master of the universe who has an ultimate plan, even if things seem bad at present and he doesn’t fully understand why.

I love how Joseph went from singing about how amazing and miraculous he is to being humble and singing about how God knows better than him

This song lives rent free in my heart and head. It helped me get through my darkest moments in my life and today listening to it 16th June 2022, at exactly 8:20am in still in tears God bless every one whose story is like Joseph. in everything God knows best

Rewatching this I realize that Joseph took time to shape out each and every rock he put around the tree. It’s so symbolic, wow.

“But it was you who taught that bird to fly. If I let you reach me, will you teach me?” This line speaks to me so much…

This song was such a huge testimony builder. Not only to put my trust in the Lord, but to trust in His timing. When we struggle and pray for help, we often expect immediate responses and help, sometimes we have to allow ourselves to go through the trial because God really does know what is best and when the time is right, He WILL always help us! Sometimes we need our trials to help us learn and grow and become better people. He doesn’t let us go through ANYTHING we are not strong enough to get through! Whenever we are going through something that makes us wonder why God allows us to go through it, it’s only because He KNOWS we have what it takes to get through it! If God believes in us, and He really does know better than we do, we should too! If we put our trust in Him, He will help us and turn us into someone better than we were before. I used to pray for God to end my suffering, now I’ve learned to pray and ask for understanding of why I’m suffering and what I can learn from it, how can I grow and become a better person, and the strength I need to get through it. Been learning to live by: “Not mine, but thy will be done, just help me to understand thy will.”

G20 aims to establish vaccine passport

If you don't need to travel, you don't need it - yet

Here’s an excerpt from the Leaders’ Declaration of the G20 in Bali, which has just ended:

“… We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.” [my emphasis, PwG]

Success? What success? Vaccinated people can still pass on the virus. Here’s a quote from the NHS website: “There is a chance you might still get or spread COVID-19 even if you have a vaccine”.

Here‘s an appropriate comment from Paul Joseph Watson.

The G20-Declaration also says:

We recognize that the extensive COVID-19 immunization is a global public good and we will advance our effort to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, quality and effective vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics (VTDs). [my emphasis, PwG]

Calling immunisation a “public good” means these governments are giving themselves permission to intervene forever into the private affairs of humans, namely their health care. Currently, of course, the “vaccine” doesn’t provide “immunisation”, but that doesn’t mean they won’t stop trying to establish the “public good” with this or other means (such as lockdowns, internment, incarceration … ).

Calling immunisation a “global” public good means these governments are giving themselves another reason (apart from “climate change”, “fighting poverty” and so on) to establish another lever for “global governance”, in other words, a world government. Another shot at building a Tower of Babel.

They’ve given themselves permission. They think they have the authority to do so. From whom exactly, I wonder?

Addendum: Kit Knightly has a good overview of what else the G20 got up to here.

This past week saw G20’s annual meeting taking place in Bali, with the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies signing a pledge that commits to:

  • “Reform” food production and distribution
  • Increase surveillance and censorship of “disinformation” on the internet
  • Increase global reliance on “renewable” energy sources
  • Introduce programmable digital currencies
  • Introduce international digital vaccine passports

Yes, while everyone was so nicely distracted by the “fall of Kherson” and that missile that allegedly hit Poland, leaders from around the world were gathering in matching shirts and publishing their plans for world government in glossy little ring binders.

He continues:

Oh, a little reminder to those who still believe Russia is fighting the good fight against the globalist baddies in Ukraine – Russia is a member of the G20 and signed the pledge. [Emphasis in the original.]

As did China, along with every other member of BRICS.

There are no heroes here, they are all in it together…but their war sure made for a good distraction, didn’t it?

Basically, it’s all just confirmation – if confirmation were needed – that the Great Reset is still coming. Even if Covid goes away, the new normal is here to stay.

But, of course, that was always the plan.

They’re not altruists, they’re narcissists

Climate change activists

A 9-minute video excerpt of Paul Joseph Watson interviewing Michael Schellenberger.

From Schellenberger’s substack:

Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment,” Green Book Award winner, and the best-selling author of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities (HarperCollins 2021) and Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All (HarperCollins 2020). 

He’s been called an “environmental guru,” “climate guru,” “North America’s leading public intellectual on clean energy,” and “high priest” of the pro-human environmental movement for his work.

Schellenberger became a Christian when he was researching for his book “Apocalypse Never”, as I noted here.

How Can Christians in America Prepare for Persecution?

Or in the rest of the Western world?

See video here (17 min).

John MacArthur says we are living in paganism 2.0. What they hate most is biblical truth. (I’d go further and say they even hate the idea that there is something like the truth.)

John Piper adds that we are like exiles in this world. We have always been. We should read 1 Peter and rejoice in our suffering, for our eternal reward is in heaven. This is what Christian clergy should be preaching, not things that make the congregation hate and fear the culture surrounding them.

Here’s a passage he may have meant 1 Peter 3, 13-17 (NIV):

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[b]; do not be frightened.”[c] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 

A Prayer for COP27

Same procedure as last year

Dear heavenly Father,

Today is the day people around the world commemorate the end of World War One. I do not know for sure why this evil entered the world, I don’t think anyone does, but I believe what Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said in relation to the disastrous Russian Revolution applies to this war as well: “All this happened because we have forgotten God”. If this is true, I pray that people around the world heed those words for our present times and troubles, and that we, in everything we do, consider another word from the author of that sentence, namely that the dividing line between good and evil goes right through each of our hearts.

With that in mind, dear heavenly Father, I pray, with regard to climate change and our response to it, that we will learn again to trust first in you instead of in princes of the world and their paid advisers. That we learn to pursue treasures in heaven, not in this world. That we learn to care for your creation by respecting your laws, including the law not to steal from each other, and to not bear false witness against our neighbour. That we all humbly concede that we don’t know all the facts and all the answers. That we help each other by teaching each other the little we do know – and discerning what we don’t, and by listening patiently to one another.

Help us to be weary of the claim that all that is required to know is now known. Help us to discern between action that protects creation and that which, even if well intended, does not or, worse, does the opposite. Help us, and remind us every time we feel the need to act, to count the costs of our actions before we act, lest we build on sand instead of the rock of your word.

Lord, you know I am very sceptical about the currently widely favoured approach to tackling climate change, which is the one promoted and discussed at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, by the many paid advisers of governments, by many big corporations hoping for government money in return for conforming to the ruling narrative, and by almost every established media outlet around the world. However, I pray today for your blessing on each and every participant, and on each and every observer. May those who are truly fearful be assuaged and find peace in you and your assurances – especially the children and young people, who are increasingly frightened out of their wits. May those who are distant from you be drawn nearer, so that they see your plans full of peace and joy for them and all of us. May those who are driven by power and greed be humbled and converted to your way. May those who deceive be humbled by the truth. May those who honestly seek the truth be steadfast in the face of much deception and pressure to conform.

Thank you, dear heavenly Father, for your promise that those who meekly emulate your love will inherit the Earth.

May you, dear Lord and Creator, be glorified, and may your peace reign forever. 


Who is responsible for the eco-terrorists on our roads?

Ultimately, our managerial class and its totalitarian drive

The self-righteous people blocking roads in this and other countries currently think they need to do this to save the world. They don’t mind endangering lives and damaging property. They’ve made that abundantly clear. For what purpose they want to save the world they don’t seem to know, at least they don’t say. The reason for that is clear: The currently dominant belief-system in the West assumes that there is no purpose in the universe. To formulate an ultimate purpose would run counter to that narrative. Thinking about that would expose the emptiness of their outlook. So they instinctively avoid doing so. Instead, all they say is that they want a future. Don’t we all? So why are they behaving like maniacs?

Apart from their above mentioned belief-system, which inevitably leads to depression, here are some reasons they have lost all reason:

  1. In 2018, the BBC told staff they no longer need to invite climate-change “deniers” on to its programmes, suggesting that allowing them to speak was like letting someone deny last week’s football scores. This callous disregard for science and the scientific, always enquiring and, yes, sceptical method has entrapped young people in the delusion that what they are hearing over the airwaves (and many other media) is scientific “truth”. (We saw the same procedure, BTW, “on stilts”, during the Covid pandemic.)
  2. The managerial class in governments around the world and education have no interest in nurturing critical thinking. They are comfortable with a populous that is quivering with hysterical fear. Such a populous will do as it’s told and not disturb their work. Work that is striving for totalitarian rule. This is the fundamental drive behind Tony Blair’s famous mantra on education. What he really meant was: “Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.”
  3. The churches do not seem to realise that the whole eco-ideology (which in its core is anti-human) is a counter-religion to Christianity. Indeed, many churches appear to be co-opted by this counter-religion. So here, too, a counter-narrative that could give hope is blocked off.
  4. Thus, these deluded people sticking themselves to the tarmac, gantries, works of art and whatnot have no reference-point in reality. All possible outlets for sensible counter-narratives to unfounded doomsday-scenarios have been effectively blocked off. They are totally lost. Unless reason and proper scientific discourse is allowed back into the public sphere, this is only going to get worse.

Economic Booms and Busts

Where do they come from?

Most “explanations” for the phases of the economic or business cycle are just descriptions of symptoms. Nobel-Prize (1974) winning economist Friedrich August von Hayek however hit the nail on the head: Government intervention is to blame. See this short video.

What this video doesn’t explain is something else Hayek pointed out. Namely that much of the money used by governments to incentivise the economy in this or that direction is created out of thin air. It’s called “fiat money”, with “fiat” being Latin for “let there be”, as in “let there be light” (“fiat lux”) in Genesis 1:3, God’s very first commandment.

And herein lies the very heart of the problem of our time. We allow governments to play God by allowing them (or rather their central banks, which essentially amounts to the same thing) to create money out of nothing. It is a huge fraud, which every now and again collides with reality and breaks down. That is what economists then call a “recession” or “depression” or “downturn” or “bust”. It also is the prime cause of inflation.

Once the general population has worked that out, it will be game over for interventionist governments playing God.

For more on Hayek, see here.

A ‘pandemic amnesty’ is a dangerous idea

Without true repentance there can be no true forgiveness

“The authoritarianism of the lockdown years must never be forgotten”, writes Lauren Smith. Correct: Forgive, yes (as long as there is real regret, remorse, revocation and repentance). But not forget, lest the descent into tyranny happens all over again, and worse next time. Even faith leaders were pushing the fraud, making themselves shills for big pharma.

In the same vein, here’s Paul Joseph Watson with “oops, sorry!“.

Addendum (02/11/2022): Here‘s a good take on this article by Igor Chudov:

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