Category Archives: Christianity

How Can Christians in America Prepare for Persecution?

Or in the rest of the Western world?

See video here (17 min).

John MacArthur says we are living in paganism 2.0. What they hate most is biblical truth. (I’d go further and say they even hate the idea that there is something like the truth.)

John Piper adds that we are like exiles in this world. We have always been. We should read 1 Peter and rejoice in our suffering, for our eternal reward is in heaven. This is what Christian clergy should be preaching, not things that make the congregation hate and fear the culture surrounding them.

Here’s a passage he may have meant 1 Peter 3, 13-17 (NIV):

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[b]; do not be frightened.”[c] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 

A Prayer for COP27

Same procedure as last year

Dear heavenly Father,

Today is the day people around the world commemorate the end of World War One. I do not know for sure why this evil entered the world, I don’t think anyone does, but I believe what Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said in relation to the disastrous Russian Revolution applies to this war as well: “All this happened because we have forgotten God”. If this is true, I pray that people around the world heed those words for our present times and troubles, and that we, in everything we do, consider another word from the author of that sentence, namely that the dividing line between good and evil goes right through each of our hearts.

With that in mind, dear heavenly Father, I pray, with regard to climate change and our response to it, that we will learn again to trust first in you instead of in princes of the world and their paid advisers. That we learn to pursue treasures in heaven, not in this world. That we learn to care for your creation by respecting your laws, including the law not to steal from each other, and to not bear false witness against our neighbour. That we all humbly concede that we don’t know all the facts and all the answers. That we help each other by teaching each other the little we do know – and discerning what we don’t, and by listening patiently to one another.

Help us to be weary of the claim that all that is required to know is now known. Help us to discern between action that protects creation and that which, even if well intended, does not or, worse, does the opposite. Help us, and remind us every time we feel the need to act, to count the costs of our actions before we act, lest we build on sand instead of the rock of your word.

Lord, you know I am very sceptical about the currently widely favoured approach to tackling climate change, which is the one promoted and discussed at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, by the many paid advisers of governments, by many big corporations hoping for government money in return for conforming to the ruling narrative, and by almost every established media outlet around the world. However, I pray today for your blessing on each and every participant, and on each and every observer. May those who are truly fearful be assuaged and find peace in you and your assurances – especially the children and young people, who are increasingly frightened out of their wits. May those who are distant from you be drawn nearer, so that they see your plans full of peace and joy for them and all of us. May those who are driven by power and greed be humbled and converted to your way. May those who deceive be humbled by the truth. May those who honestly seek the truth be steadfast in the face of much deception and pressure to conform.

Thank you, dear heavenly Father, for your promise that those who meekly emulate your love will inherit the Earth.

May you, dear Lord and Creator, be glorified, and may your peace reign forever. 


Who is responsible for the eco-terrorists on our roads?

Ultimately, our managerial class and its totalitarian drive

The self-righteous people blocking roads in this and other countries currently think they need to do this to save the world. They don’t mind endangering lives and damaging property. They’ve made that abundantly clear. For what purpose they want to save the world they don’t seem to know, at least they don’t say. The reason for that is clear: The currently dominant belief-system in the West assumes that there is no purpose in the universe. To formulate an ultimate purpose would run counter to that narrative. Thinking about that would expose the emptiness of their outlook. So they instinctively avoid doing so. Instead, all they say is that they want a future. Don’t we all? So why are they behaving like maniacs?

Apart from their above mentioned belief-system, which inevitably leads to depression, here are some reasons they have lost all reason:

  1. In 2018, the BBC told staff they no longer need to invite climate-change “deniers” on to its programmes, suggesting that allowing them to speak was like letting someone deny last week’s football scores. This callous disregard for science and the scientific, always enquiring and, yes, sceptical method has entrapped young people in the delusion that what they are hearing over the airwaves (and many other media) is scientific “truth”. (We saw the same procedure, BTW, “on stilts”, during the Covid pandemic.)
  2. The managerial class in governments around the world and education have no interest in nurturing critical thinking. They are comfortable with a populous that is quivering with hysterical fear. Such a populous will do as it’s told and not disturb their work. Work that is striving for totalitarian rule. This is the fundamental drive behind Tony Blair’s famous mantra on education. What he really meant was: “Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.”
  3. The churches do not seem to realise that the whole eco-ideology (which in its core is anti-human) is a counter-religion to Christianity. Indeed, many churches appear to be co-opted by this counter-religion. So here, too, a counter-narrative that could give hope is blocked off.
  4. Thus, these deluded people sticking themselves to the tarmac, gantries, works of art and whatnot have no reference-point in reality. All possible outlets for sensible counter-narratives to unfounded doomsday-scenarios have been effectively blocked off. They are totally lost. Unless reason and proper scientific discourse is allowed back into the public sphere, this is only going to get worse.

Economic Booms and Busts

Where do they come from?

Most “explanations” for the phases of the economic or business cycle are just descriptions of symptoms. Nobel-Prize (1974) winning economist Friedrich August von Hayek however hit the nail on the head: Government intervention is to blame. See this short video.

What this video doesn’t explain is something else Hayek pointed out. Namely that much of the money used by governments to incentivise the economy in this or that direction is created out of thin air. It’s called “fiat money”, with “fiat” being Latin for “let there be”, as in “let there be light” (“fiat lux”) in Genesis 1:3, God’s very first commandment.

And herein lies the very heart of the problem of our time. We allow governments to play God by allowing them (or rather their central banks, which essentially amounts to the same thing) to create money out of nothing. It is a huge fraud, which every now and again collides with reality and breaks down. That is what economists then call a “recession” or “depression” or “downturn” or “bust”. It also is the prime cause of inflation.

Once the general population has worked that out, it will be game over for interventionist governments playing God.

For more on Hayek, see here.

A ‘pandemic amnesty’ is a dangerous idea

Without true repentance there can be no true forgiveness

“The authoritarianism of the lockdown years must never be forgotten”, writes Lauren Smith. Correct: Forgive, yes (as long as there is real regret, remorse, revocation and repentance). But not forget, lest the descent into tyranny happens all over again, and worse next time. Even faith leaders were pushing the fraud, making themselves shills for big pharma.

In the same vein, here’s Paul Joseph Watson with “oops, sorry!“.

Addendum (02/11/2022): Here‘s a good take on this article by Igor Chudov:

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Gnosticism Is the Ancient Heretical Ideology Behind Today’s Transgenderism and Abortion Movements

Article by Ethan Peck.


The Gnostic belief that the soul is divorced from the body may explain progressive support for both transgenderism and abortion. It’s not a coincidence that those who believe that gender identity is divorced from biological reality are also likely to believe that a human fetus is not a human being. Both are at odds with basic biology and the Judeo-Christian roots of our civilization but congruent with the dogmas of the ancient mystical faith of Gnosticism.


The central thesis of Gnosticism is that each individual is in possession of personal spiritual knowledge called “gnosis” (in other words, “my truth”), and that the object of one’s life is to pursue this personal truth in order to liberate one’s soul from the oppressive material world, which is viewed not as God’s good and true creation but rather an evil mistake. This is why the segregation of body and soul is an essential component of Gnosticism, because one of the chief ends of the belief system is to free the soul from the prison of the body.


Whereas transgenderism falsely hinges on using only spirit – or rather one’s own perception of it – to determine a person’s nature, the pro-abortion position falsely hinges on using only matter to determine an unborn person’s nature. Both clearly depend on the segregation of body and soul.


The pro-life, pro-biology movement must not depend on using mainstream euphemism-laden language that has been influenced by Gnostic dogma when defending its positions on abortion and transgenderism, but rather reorient the national conversation towards basic first principles. It must not surrender Truth to manipulative language by using terms such as “pregnancy termination” or “gender” but rather go directly to the heart of the matter, which is the Gnostic assumption that who you are and your physical body are split. That’s where our biggest societal disagreements lie – in a religious debate over human nature itself.

On the same subject, here’s Charles Burris with his article Gnosticism: The Enduring Heresy and Menace to Western Civilization.


From the seductive serpent in the Garden of Eden to Marx and his delusional followers, the essential message of the Left to humanity is believe in and follow us in our path of destruction and “You shall be as gods,” and create an athesied paradise of a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This is the goal of the neopagan pantheist Religious Left and its syncretistic, egalitarian vision of a Sophianic Millennium — the deification of humanity.


Christianity and the West have been at war for hundreds of years with a succession of gnostic political religions and mass movements seeking to impose brutal elite rule and mastery of their subject peoples. These sinister efforts have been responsible for untold death, destruction, and misery. Over one hundred million persons alone perished in the 20th Century as a result of these murderous totalitarian regimes.


This is the penultimate menace that Western Civilization, and especially the United States, faces today. This is what has motivated the destructive riotous mobs of thugs and looters in the streets, the craven willfully ignorant “cancel culture” corporatists, the seditious professoriat in court academia, and the prestitutes in the establishment regime media.