Category Archives: Christianity

Live Not By Lies

Jordan Peterson speaks with Rod Dreher

It never ceases to amaze me that almost every time Jordan Peterson goes on air, or rather on Youtube or similar outlets, he says something that is new, profound and evocative. And not just one “something”, but loads.

In this one (1 h 20 min), he uses the occasion of discussing Rod Dreher’s new book, “Live Not By Lies” to suggest that churches should make a special effort to attract young men? How? By inviting them to the adventure of taking up their cross and following Jesus by doing the best they can do with their God-given lives.

In the time of oppressive wokeness, where being male is tantamount to being the great spoiler of the world, this would be a truly bold move.

Then, JP says that in the face of the woke tyranny, not just all the Christians, but all the Abrahamic religions should band together to fight the common enemy.

Dreher’s title “Live Not By Lies” is derived from an essay written by Soviet dissident Alexandr Solzhenitsyn just before he was kicked out of his country. In it, he advised followers that the least they should do is to not participate in the lies that daily life in the Soviet Union foisted on people.

However, the Enemy may have learnt from that experience. When Black Lives Matter burst onto the scene, mobs pressured people to join in their chants and raised fists, shouting: “Silence is violence.”

So, it may have become more difficult even than in the Soviet Union to “live not by lies”. And if not yet, it may very well happen soon.

The Libertarian Christian Institute

Just discovered this

From their “About” page:

If you have never heard of libertarianism before now, it is a very simple philosophy based on the non-aggression principle, which states that the initiation of physical force and the threat thereof is inherently illegitimate. In other words, everyone has the right to engage freely in whatever activity they choose so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.

For those familiar with libertarianism already, you might be asking can a Christian also be a libertarian? At LCI, we boldly answer YES! Christian libertarians believe that libertarianism is the only political philosophy that is truly consistent, that makes any rational or moral sense at all, and that agrees with what we understand in the Bible and Christian history. Read more about what it means to be a Christian libertarian by clicking here.

Fourth Letter to My Vaccinated Friend

Article by James Kullander

It’s one thing that you got the jabs in the first place. It’s one thing if you’d been quiet about it. It’s one thing that you ignored my warnings about the health hazards of the jabs and about the sinister scheme to control and destroy humanity that’s been behind the entire injection campaign all along. But the main thing—the really big thing—is I still feel utterly bewildered by your jab-happy, proud, virtue-signaling collusion in this choreographed death march, which you’d joined right out of the gate with drum and fife and flag to show the world that you cared. You not only let it happen. You marched lockstep into the tyrannical maelstrom with self-righteous glee and a touch of cruelty for those of us who refused to turn our bodies over to the state to become guinea pigs in a vast and deadly experiment. How could you have been so misled?

Now open your eyes. Look around you. See what you’ve done? With your supposed compassion for your fellow man and imploring others to “do the right thing,” you and millions of others got suckered into participating with the dark forces that have ruined beyond comprehension so much of what’s precious and beautiful about life on Earth—free will, social connections, civil liberties, loving relationships, bodily autonomy, meaningful and rewarding work—on account of the lockdowns and fear-mongering predators ordering everyone to stay home, shut down our businesses, close our churches, shutter our schools, keep away from each other all the time. And get injected or else. The psychological and physical wounds are widespread, deep, and traumatic. And in many ways, especially with those of you who got the jabs, permanent. There’s no undoing what you’ve allowed to be done to you. The toxins in those jabs are there to stay.


I fear for your life. With so many unsuspecting jabbed victims of all ages dropping dead all over the world in streets, in offices, at home, on soccer fields and basketball courts, in hotels, in cars, I wonder if you, too, will be among them one day. There’s a little trick the unconscious mind sometimes plays. If we know someone we love is going to leave us, say a child going off to college or a spouse who’s decided to get a divorce, we can find ourselves either shutting down our emotions or picking a fight to dull the pain of being left. There are moments when I wonder if all the anger I’m harboring has something to do with me trying to dull the pain I’ll feel if you die from what you allowed to be injected into the blessed sanctuary that is your body.

More of this here.

We are not alone

Larry Romanoff writes about a series of strange circumstances he has experienced, and concludes:

My assessment of the situation was that my move to Italy was delayed a month in order to serve as a tool to give a young man a wonderful start in life, but I wasn’t the only actor in this stage play. It seemed that Richard’s entire immediate future was planned for him as a gift, but there was a price: he needed the courage to stand firm and be brave for one moment longer. But, as so often occurs with many of us, at the very last moment, when success is within our grasp, we let ourselves be overcome by fear and doubt and we throw everything away.

C.S. Lewis predicted medical tyranny

in this exquisite sci-fi trilogy

Writes Kennedy Hall:

Lewis – perhaps best known for his Christian apologetics and Chronicles of Narnia series – wrote a science fiction trilogy that was aptly named The Space Trilogy. The three books that make up the series are called Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength. Each book can be read independently; however, read as a whole they are more exquisite and meaningful.

The third installation presents a scenario most analogous to today’s world. In it we find a global conspiracy largely led by academics and scientists, who are hell-bent (literally) on ushering in a world that is overtly sanitary and free of any intellectual or biological germs.

I believe that it was Lewis’s Christian sense that allowed him to be more accurate than Orwell. Orwell wrote of the government as an immovable and impenetrable force, whereas Lewis portrayed governments as a bit weak and thus controlled by nongovernmental organizations.

Since Lewis was not an atheist like Orwell, and therefore not a materialist, he understood that the most important thing was not force, but mentality and belief.

(Neo-)Marxism is the one disease that liberalism could not defeat

The big question is: why?

Writes eugyppius:

For centuries, liberal European polities fended off all manner of political opponents, and if the states themselves did not always survive, liberalism itself demonstrated remarkable stability. It was a great filter that excluded all rivals, until it found one it could not sort out. Marxism and its successor movements proliferated as the one disease that liberalism could not defeat, in much the same way that antibiotic-resistant MRSA emerges from the antiseptic environments of hospitals. It is an opposition politics uniquely suited to liberalism, for it exploits the liberal impulses for equality and freedom in favour of a quite different, and far more terrible, project. In Western countries, the leftists took aim at the traditional institutions and culture of the European middle classes. There, they still struggle to impose not a socialist utopia, but a never-ending industrial and financial serfdom.

The leftist system is not meant to produce political stability or prosperity, and it feels a lot like it’s entering a death spiral. Getting these lunatics out of power, before they crash the entire West with no survivors, is the most urgent problem we face. Here MKH has the right idea: Respectable conservative politicians have failed above all, in neglecting those people who have suffered the most at the hands of globalisation, renewable energy, immigration, lockdowns and all the rest of it. We must defeat the leftist elite, not win them over; and to do this we must deprive them steadily of popular support, beginning among the lower classes and at the periphery, where the greatest gains are to be made, and working inwards. From the hysterical, crazed opposition men like Trump, Orbán and Salvini have inspired, you can measure the power of this approach.

If Corona restrictions return in the fall, populist political upsets will become our only hope.

Liberalism was susceptible to (neo)-Marxism because it lacked Christianity.

Covid Mess

An open letter to a GP and devastating accounts from vaccine widows

James Rogers is a pseudonym of someone who, according to the TCW website, is a “well-travelled, polymathic dilettante who voted for Johnson but feels we’ve ended up with Blair on steroids”.

Rogers has written an open letter to his GP, published on 18th May 2022. He writes:

You may recall saying to me, ‘These drug companies would not run the risk of being sued for supplying dodgy drug products.’ I replied that the drug companies had been given immunity from civil action and criminal prosecution. You seemed not to know this. In this regard, I am writing to describe what has happened in the interim.

[. . .]

It is important to note that as C-19 jabs were authorised in an emergency situation, the ‘trial’ is still in progress, and the effects the jabs have on people must be fully recorded. So, this matter has two spheres to consider: firstly, the trials that were run in 2020 that persuaded the FDA (and our own MHRA, CHM and JCVI) to approve the jabs; and secondly, the trials run in 2021 – and ongoing – that are necessary to allow those drug authorisations to remain valid.

After some 150,000 pages of Pfizer’s documents, some very fishy and worrying facts have emerged – here is one assessment. It turns out that ‘these drug companies’ did indeed ‘run the risk of supplying dodgy drug products’. 

What happens now? Doubtless, the likes of Dame June Raine, Sir Chris Whitty, Sir Patrick Vallance, Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, Wei Shen Lim and many others anxiously scan the internet for news of what the FDA papers reveal. I mean ‘the internet’ specifically, because none of this is being reported on television or in newspapers.

Read the rest here.

The same “non-reporting” by the legacy media can be observed in the many cases of vaccine-induced deaths and severe injuries AND the fact that, in the case of deaths, NONE of the bereaved family members have yet received any of the promised compensation. And when a marginalised outlet such as GB News does report this, some of the viewers heap the bereaved with scorn and ridicule. What a sick world we live in.

I wonder what the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin “taking the vaccine is a moral issue” Welby has to say about this development, if he’s even aware of if, which I doubt.

From Darwin to Hitler

The revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality

Writes Charles Burris:

In his book, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany (2004), Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. Darwinism played a key role in the rise not only of eugenics (a movement wanting to control human reproduction to improve the human species), but also on euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination. This was especially important in Germany, since Hitler built his view of ethics on Darwinian principles.

Here is Weikart’s talk on the subject.

War Without End, Amen

Peace and rest are the enemy in the progressive war against the natural order.

This blog is dedicated to “progress with God”, as without Him, none is possible. We live in a time beset by the belief that progress without God is not only possible, but the only way it can happen. Anthony Esolen has written an article in the magazine Chronicle that refutes this mindset as completely as it does poetically.


One who is a pioneer on principle is the Christian soldier gone wrong. The man who will not let his neighbors rest, but who must always be “transgressive,” is one who doubles down on Sodom, tears down a statue here and an institution there, and who lives in ceaseless and unforgiving hatred of anything that can claim to be permanently good and deserving of our honor. He is what you get when sin is transferred from your own heart, where it has settled, to social structures, conveniently vague, and traditions, stolid and defenseless.

Satan is like many an environmentalist who hates man more than he loves trees. He cannot let even the natural world alone if it means that Adam and Eve may enjoy their lives in peace and harmony with God. Satan knows that the world is beautiful, but its beauty, the peaceful tranquility of its varied and sweetly interchanging orders, goads him on to hatred. “The more I see / Pleasures about me,” he says, grumbling, “so much more I feel / Torment within me.” And when Adam and Eve fall, condemning the world to fall with them, Death, Satan’s incestuous son and grandson, is not satisfied, because his essential emptiness and nihilism admit no fulfillment, no peace. 

If art tells permanent truths about man, the progressive will not hear them, because he has set his face against anything permanent. It’s not that he produces bad art with drearily predictable political intent. The problem is worse than that. It is that the thing itself, art, suffocates. It needs air, it needs leisure, it needs vistas that span the ages. It needs a humble openness to the eternal. And to the extent that our minds are occupied territory, whether we oppose or cheer the occupiers, we too lose our humanity; we too can neither make nor receive good and great art. The progressive can say with Satan, “Only in destroying I find ease / To my relentless thoughts.” The rest of us can hardly remember what has been destroyed.