Article by Kit Knightly.
Category Archives: Covid
The big story of 2024 that nobody is talking about
Article by Kit Knightly.
Sound and fury and all that signifies. But were they the most important?
No, the important story of 2024 was The Great Reset.
Remember that? It was this pan-global supranational plan to tear down and then rebuild society in a “sustainable”, “inclusive”, “fair” and “secure” way that would – totally accidentally – eradicate civil liberties and individual freedom for every single person on the planet.
It was all the rage a few years ago, you might remember. But when it didn’t go over too well with a lot of people, the powers that be dropped the subject and there’s been very little talk about it since 2022.
Does that mean it’s gone away?
We need to have “object permanence” in politics as in all things. Something doesn’t cease to exist just because you can’t see it anymore. The world doesn’t vanish when you close your eyes.
The Great Reset is still the plan.
Collapse of the $5 Trillion Green Energy Scam
Interview with Doug Casey in “International Man” (via
Doug Casey: We’ve had two tremendous mass hysterias in the last decade.
One revolves around health, with a novel disease and the creation of a vaccine said to fight it. Second is the climate hysteria, which promises to be even more disruptive.
Generations of students have been indoctrinated to believe that Mother Earth is being ravaged by its evil human population. In reality, Earth is going to be just fine. The real damage is being done by the kind of people who want to control other people. The answer to what should be done is: Nothing. The busybodies should mind their own business.
The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge. However, “getting involved” generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives. Lacking traditional religion, they crave something bigger than themselves. It wasn’t so long ago that saving the whales was the cause du jour. Even though, with some minor exceptions, whales haven’t been hunted for over a century. Or saving the polar bears, even their population has been increasing for decades. I wonder what ever happened to the snail darter?
If it’s not one thing, it’s something else. It’s always something to get the population into a state of fear and hysteria. The elite who control society use them to keep the plebs in line.
Whistleblower Uncovers Covid Scam
From the video (31 minutes) description:
A whistleblower obtained 10GB from Robert-Koch-Institute, the German CDC. This so-called RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry. Recorded 2 November 2024 in Berlin, English subtitles provided by the speaker.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg
Nature paper shows the COVID “vaccines” increased your risk of getting COVID
Article by Steve Kirsch.
Bishop Strickland apologizes for closing churches during COVID: ‘I was duped’
Bishop Joseph Strickland apologized on X for the closure of Catholic churches during the outbreak of COVID-19. The faithful shepherd said he was ‘duped’ by the media.
A LifesiteNews article.
There is now no doubt that Covid leaked from a lab
Article by Matt Ridley.
He ends with these words:
In short, those of us who argue that the pandemic began with a laboratory accident have comprehensively won the debate. I do have some sympathy with the virologists who have waged a four-year battle to suppress, censor and delete all discussion of a laboratory leak. If my livelihood depended on this kind of research, I too would probably find it hard to accept that a lab leak had happened. Scientists, politicians, businesspeople and even journalists have a vested interest in hoping the subject just fades from memory.
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone
Malone gives a talk to the Mises institute, in the course of which he introduces his new book with the same title.
Why you should NEVER believe your eyes
Article by Kit Knightly
The media landscape is saturated with pretend, and has been for decades.
The technology discussed above doesn’t mean they will start faking things, it means the faking they’ve been doing for years will be easier to do and harder to detect.
The technology exists. The motivation exists. The required levels of dishonesty and corruption more than exist. The lazy entitlement that ‘justifies’ a culture of pretend also exists.
We’re long past the point now where questioning everything you see and/or hear could ever be considered “paranoid”. It’s healthy, rational and even a prerequisite for maintaining your sanity.
We know they’ll fake anything, so we must be prepared to question everything.
The COVID “vaccine” had no benefit
Zero. Zip. Nada.
Article by Steve Kirsch.
Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the vaccine didn’t save any COVID lives at all. None. In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID. To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing.
[. . .]
In science, if you can’t explain a data point, you don’t just write it off. You have to explain it or at least publicly admit that your hypothesis could be wrong until you can explain it.
And this wasn’t cherry picked either. In the entire time I’ve been a “misinformation spreader,” I’ve only gotten one insider call from someone in a nursing home who would reveal the date that the vaccine was rolled out in her facility. One.
And even if I scoured all 15,000 nursing homes for a case like this, it still can’t happen because the probabilities are too small.
So I had two independent ways at looking at this data: the tip from the insider and the data reported to the government. Both aligned.
Does this deserve investigation?
Of course!
But there will be no investigations. Ever.
Because that’s the way science works nowaday [sic]. It’s all about ignoring all credible evidence that doesn’t support the narrative. And that should be troubling for everyone.