Category Archives: Covid

“Can you name >5 unvaxxed Amish who died from COVID?” 

Why not? They are "supposed to be" dying in droves!

Writes Steve Kirsch:

The Amish didn’t lockdown, social distance, mask, or take a vaccine. It was business as usual. Few died. I offered $2,500 for anyone who could name >5 Amish who died. No takers. Just excuses.

Update (video, see also text here): The Amish followed none of the guidelines, didn’t vaccinate etc. And had, according to Steve Kirsch, an at least 90% lower death rate from Covid.

The real “misinformation” peddlers

Here’s someone the BBC in its zeal to root out “mis- and disinformation” surprisingly missed.

From Tom Woods‘ newsletter from today:

If the world would stop being insane for five minutes, I could get things done around here.

Howard Forman, a prime spreader of Covid misinformation at Yale, just posted this:
Apoorva Mandavilli, the woman in the picture, spread nonstop misinformation about Covid via her New York Times columns, exaggerating the numbers and death rate to the point that even the Times itself had to correct her. She claimed without evidence that schools were especially dangerous sources of illness. She also said it was “racist” to consider the origins of Covid.

It was nonstop lies and lunacy from her pen — and now a Yale professor endorses her as someone qualified to fight against medical misinformation.

Sometimes I wonder if the absurdity of it all is deliberate, and intended to demoralize us.

At any rate, the comments slightly restored my faith in mankind. There were many, many of them, and as far as I can see they were all from people aghast at this. Examples:
The great Harvey Risch is at Yale, so I hate to say that everyone from Yale obviously needs to be ignored at this point, but let’s say everyone except Harvey Risch.

“Misinformation,” whether medical or otherwise, has obviously come to mean: information we don’t want you to have.

Another thing a lot of these people didn’t want you to have was, you know, a job — unless they decided you were “essential.” So maybe it’s not such a bad idea to have something in your back pocket for in case they come after us again.

The truth about the BBC’s war on ‘disinformation’

The new BBC Verify project reflects the cultural elites’ paranoid fear of free speech.

Article by Fraser Myers

The BBC not only inflates the dangers of social-media falsehoods, it has also applied the disinformation label to stories that are actually true. So if you cause a fuss about anti-car traffic restrictions coming to your local area, if you protest against eco-plans for a ‘15-minute city’, you could find yourself branded a ‘conspiracy theorist’ on the BBC – even though these illiberal traffic schemes really are happening across the UK. All too often, the charge of ‘disinformation’ is used as another way of demonising those with dissent opinions.

Meanwhile, the BBC has been known to spread untruths of its own. Take its coverage of the trans issue. The BBC website regularly describes predatory men, including rapists, paedophiles and murderers, as ‘women’ – purely because they ‘identify’ as such. It has produced news reports and whole documentaries about ‘men’ getting pregnant. When licence-fee payers are told to ignore the evidence of their own eyes in this way, we shouldn’t be surprised that the BBC is losing trust.

Climate change is another major blindspot for the Beeb. Despite their apparent concern about climate misinformation, BBC journalists and presenters frequently make alarmist and false claims about the environment. A recent Panorama documentary, fronted by the BBC’s climate editor, said in its opening sequence that extreme weather events are killing more people. The truth is the precise opposite: the death toll from weather events has actually fallen considerably in recent decades. But this does not fit the established, fear-driven narrative.

[Links to various other websites in the original text.]

Poll: What parishioners want from their churches

In Germany

They don’t want their churches supporting “Extinction Rebellion” or similar groups. Only 17 percent supported that policy, 50 percent were against. The rest either said they don’t care (18 percent) or didn’t know (12 percent) or declined to answer (3 percent).

56 percent said the churches should concentrate more on their spiritual and pastoral tasks.

51 percent supported the fact that the churches appealed to everyone to get vaccinated against covid.

However, only 43 percent (a relative majority) thought closing churches during lockdown was a good idea (30 percent disagreed)

15 percent say they are definitely going to leave the church, a further 21 percent say they are considering leaving.

The relevant article is here.

Excess Deaths in UK, Canada and Australia

John Campbell investigates

Video here.

From the description:

UK excess deaths…

Week 16 (W/E 21 April) + 22.1% 2,540 Week 17 (W/E 28 April) + 12.9% 1,569 Week 18 (W/E 5 May) + 5.4% 598 Professor Fenton. Substack, https://wherearethenumbers.substack.c… And YouTube,…

Canada excess deaths…

The actual number of observed deaths is ‘at least’ the black dotted line. Whenever the black line is above the blue line it is probable that there were excess deaths Whenever the black line is above the red dotted line it is almost certain there are excess deaths. So, it is likely there have been excess deaths every month since mid-March with especially large peaks in April-May and December. Any number bigger than the red dotted line, then we expect something new is likely causing this especially high number of deaths.

Australia excess deaths…

January 2023 There were 14,547 deaths in January, 12.4% more than the baseline average (but 10.5% less than January 2022) COVID-19 caused 213 deaths in February, down from 731 in January Jan to December 2022 In 2022, there were 190,394 deaths, which is 25,235 (15.3%) more than the historical average