Category Archives: Covid

Pro-vaxxer tacitly admits: They cannot find an error in Norman Fenton’s paper

Which shows a strong correlation between vaccination rate and excess deaths

Steve Krisch’s newsletter.

Also, related to this, Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH writes:

Almost everyday in the news is another reported case of sudden, unexpected cardiac death. The vaccination status is carefully concealed in the report and any mention of past SARS-CoV-2 immunization appears to be scrubbed from the internet. Families maintain an airtight silence on a simple medical query—did they take a COVID-19 vaccine? Yes or No? Prior to COVID-19 vaccination, the usual causes of death were almost always known antemortem, and were roughly 40% cardiovascular, 40% cancer, and 20% other causes. Chaves and colleagues have shown these proportions have been dramatically shifted to sudden cardiac death.

Shocking Lab Investigation of Covid Vaccines

The real science is catching up with corrupt scientists, evil officials and naïve clergy

Dr. Mercola writes:

December 12, 2022, The Highwire posted a fascinating and shocking lab investigation of the COVID shots. Del Bigtree begins by reviewing some of the many alleged findings by organizations looking at the shots using various technologies.

Continue reading here.

Also, watch the 1 hour video at the top of the linked page. It is posted on Bitchute here as well.

At the 11:50 minute mark, the interviewed medical scientist, Dr. Ryan Cole, states: “Real science should always involve humility and the willingness to say: ‘It’s not about my ego, it’s about the issue and we’re trying to get to the best scientific truth we can with the methods we have now.'”

Contrast that with the infamous statement by the hugely (worldwide) influential and powerful US (now ex-)chief medical advisor to the president Dr. Anthony Fauci who said in an interview, when asked about people critical of his Covid policies: “I represent science”. In other words: “La science, c’est moi.”

Fauci was one of the many scientists on government payrolls around the world who kept repeating the “safe and effective” mantra about the still only experimental injections against Covid. Dr. Ryan Cole was never one of them.

I know who I trust more.

Contrast that also with the statement of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who, on 21st December 2021, said, without knowing the science:

“It’s not about me and my rights to choose, it’s about how I love my neighbour. Vaccination reduces my chances — doesn’t eliminate — but it reduces my chances of getting ill and reducing my chances of getting ill, reduces my chances of infecting others,” Welby told ITV news on Tuesday evening.

“It’s very simple, so I would say yes, to love one another as Jesus said, get vaccinated, get boosted,” he added.

Welby needs to repent.

For vaccine-hesitant people, it was never about “my right to choose”, at least not primarily. It was primarily about trust. How can one trust scientists in the pay of government, when same scientists propagate a policy that gives governments what they have craved down the ages: More power for themselves. They might be right in this case, but, because there are massive conflicts of interests involved, the circumstances demanded more proof than was available or provided.

The same vaccine-hesitant people observed how real debate and discussion about the safety and efficacy of the Covid injections was massively suppressed by the media. This behaviour raised suspicions. That is something the Archbishop has not addressed.

Ever since the beginning of Christianity, Christian clergy were the most important people standing between governments and their access to total, tyrannical worldly power in the style of Ancient Egypt or Rome. For they understood the dangers of worldly power. They understood the ungodly path any worldly power is in danger of treading. Worldly power is one of the three things Satan attempted to tempt Christ with in the desert. However, most of the clergy don’t even seem to know that any more. Worse: Even if they did, it seems most of them wouldn’t care anymore.

It’s one reason among many why Christianity is ripe for a complete reconstruction. Even more so now that, as the blogger Eugyppius writes, the “pre-pandemic world is gone forever“:

Mass containment has permanently transformed our societies and our cultures. It has cemented the cooperative relationship between the regime and the press, and it has changed the content and the tenor of our media. Drama and panic have always sold newspapers, but our new era is characterised by an unending self-reinforcing cyclone of hyperventilation journalism, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. For the foreseeable future, I think, we will careen from one crisis to the next.

The pandemic has also changed politics. We have all learned that our alleged liberal rights and freedoms are quaint fictions, which will evaporate in the face of any false emergency. This is one reason that the unceasing hysteria of the press is so ominous, for it represents a continual attempt to restore those extraordinary conditions in which the managers wield absolute power. Under the pretense of emergency, everything is permitted. The government can seal you inside your home, forbid you from seeing friends, and outlaw all protest. It can banish all criticism from the media, and with a bit more hyperventilation, it can probably even force-medicate you. In the pre-2020 world, of course, our governments could do all of these things as well. What is different now, is merely that many more people know that they can, and approve nevertheless.

P.S.: If you have read the above links, or have watched the video, and you have received one or more injection against Covid, you may be starting to worry. If so, please go to the bottom of the page of the Mercola text linked here and above and read the section titled “What to Do if You Got the Jab”. Of course, not being a medical expert myself, I cannot recommend any of the advice there personally. As stated before, it’s all a matter of trust.

Pope Benedict vs the calculating elites

O'Neill defends the late Pontiff

In this interesting obituary of (ex-)Pope Benedict XVI, Brendan O’Neill, a self-proclaimed atheist, castigates “preening macho rationalists of the New Atheist set”, who, as humanists, were, according to O’Neill, more anti-enlightenment than the Pope himself:

There was also a profound irony in this Benedict-bashing spectacle. Because this man they loved to hate, ‘Pope Ratzinger’, as they demeaned him, was a far keener defender of reason than they were. He was a more rigorous student of Enlightenment, too. And he did more than they ever will to challenge the real menace to truth in the 21st century – not religion but the ‘dictatorship of relativism’, as Benedict called it. There was more humanism in Benedict’s brave, often lonely battle against today’s tyranny of nothingness than there is in the New Atheists’ snotty rage against religion.

The obituarist gets to the point:

In short, absent any notion of universal truth, devoid of social standards we might define ourselves by (or against), we’re left with just the individual, playing around in his own prison of identity.


Indeed, Benedict held that Christianity was a ‘religion according to reason’. He argued, rightly, that the Enlightenment sprung from the traditions and tensions within Christianity itself – ‘the Enlightenment is of Christian origin’, he said. One of his most striking utterances was to say that the Enlightenment had ‘given back reason its own voice’. That is, it took ideas of reason from Christianity and expressed those ideas in the voice of reason alone. 

O’Neill hints at the fundamental problem the enlightenment has, without discussing it:

Benedict’s beef was not with reason, then, as his ill-read critics would have us believe, but with what he referred to as ‘purely functional rationality’. Or scientism, as others call it: the modern creed of evidence-based politics that judges everything by experiment rather than morality.

Here’s the fundamental problem: Without morality, rationality will become ‘scientism’, the consequences of which we were able to observe since WWI in the liberal use of weapons of mass destruction, genocides and lately the Covid tyranny, environmental tyranny and other attempts at building a Tower of Babel 2.0.

O’Neill is right to defend the late Pope against the “New Atheist” set, but he does not touch the question that begs: How do we arrive at morality, without God? Rationality alone doesn’t seem to suffice.

World Health Organization publishes video calling COVID jab skeptics a ‘major killing force’ 

Dr. Peter Hotez said that 'anti-vaccine activism' is 'anti-science aggression' and links people who refused the COVID injections to the 'far right.'

Article by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSiteNews.


The WHO has made this wholesale condemnation of “anti-vaccine activists” despite the fact that many people have been seriously injured or even died after receiving the experimental COVID jabs. A Swiss study for instance found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8 percent showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.


Hotez is a pediatrician who works in the field of vaccine research and development and, in addition to his post at Baylor College of Medicine, is the Chair of Tropical Pediatrics at Texas Children’s Hospital.  

The WHO is known for its radical pro-abortion stance and promotion of “abortion access” all around the world. 

 Its current director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the Ethiopia’s communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front and served its Minister of Health when it was in power. The party was declared a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government in 2021. 

Hotez appears to be very close to Ghebreyesus, as he recently described him as “my brother and mentor Dr. Tedros,” in a Tweet responding to the murder of the WHO director’s uncle.

Celine Dion was disabled from a known side effect of the COVID vaccine

US government data shows it is 99.6% likely that Celine Dion got her Stiff Person Syndrome from the COVID vaccine. She can't sue because of the liability protection.

Article by Steve Kirsch.


Pfizer knew about this potential side effect likely before Celine Dion was vaccinated, but they have no duty to disclose that because hey, it’s a safe and effective vaccine with only mild side effects. The FDA simply looks the other way for safety issues. That’s the way science is done.

Pfizer knew about SPS in February 2021 and the FDA knew about it on Aprile 2021. But the FDA isn’t going to warn anyone about all these side effects because that would create vaccine hesitancy.


The COVID vaccines CAUSE SPS as well as hundreds of other severe adverse events which I documented LONG ago. There is simply no other way to explain the numbers in VAERS. Nobody will debate me on this.

Celine Dion developed SPS after COVID vaccination.

The chances she got it from the vaccine is 99.6%.

Will she go to a doctor who specializes in treating the vaccine injured? Nope. It’s highly likely she was told it wasn’t the vaccine by her doctor. Which means unfortunately, she will likely never recover since in general, the sooner you are treated properly, the greater the chance of making a recovery. To get proper treatment, you need to see a doctor who understands the cause.

Will Celine’s doctors ever tell her about this article? Nope. What a shame.

Celine Dion could be a powerful voice to warn people not to take the vaccine if she has the courage to speak the truth.

Open Letter: An Overdue Apology to the World’s Children

Lucy Davies' words are right on target

Article on “”.


Sorry we told you it was dangerous to sing.

Sorry we made you stand in hoops in the school playground so you couldn’t go near anyone.

Sorry we padlocked your swings together.

Sorry we taught you that human bodies aren’t capable of fighting off a virus without the use of weird AI stuff & what we now know to be incredibly dangerous chemicals that don’t even work.

Sorry we danger-taped the toys in the supermarket.

Sorry we inverted the responsibility of health in old age onto you in the most misguided way possible.

Sorry we encased you in plexiglass cages whilst being fitted for new shoes.

Sorry we shoved sticks covered in carcinogenic chemicals up your noses.

Sorry we isolated you from your friends.

Sorry we made you scared of going near other people.

Sorry we told you that ‘no symptoms’ was a symptom of an illness with no symptoms.

Sorry we hid our faces behind a sea of blue plastic & novelty cloth, leaving you with nothing but expressionless eyes to communicate with & learn from.

Sorry we hid your smiles & restricted your natural way of breathing.

Sorry we made you scared of your own body.

Sorry we told you it’s ok to be different & then copied everyone else for an easy life.

Sorry we told you to question everything & then did what we were told without question.

Sorry we told you to stand up & say no to bullies, then not only didn’t stand up ourselves, but bullied the people who did.

Sorry we told you to say no to experimental drugs then pinned you down whilst we injected you with them.

Sorry we justified our strange actions with the ‘children are resilient’ mantra, whilst ironically simultaneously blaming them on our own childhood trauma.

Sorry we convinced ourselves it was all ok…and then carried on as if nothing happened.


We’re living in a psychological, spiritual & physical war most people don’t even realise they’re in.
We’ve been head fucked to within an inch of our lives with these psychological operations, & we did weird shit.

That’s all the reasoning I can give.

I’d like to expand a little more though on one of the most powerful methods of grooming us to become willing & submissive adult recipients of government orders, however barbaric they may be.

The school system.


I believe that modern day schooling is a holding pen for young minds.

A safe place for those minds of infinite potential to be controlled, moulded & funneled with the intention of significantly reducing the risk of them later becoming a threat to the status quo; i.e. the modern day slave system.


It comes from the corrupt government & the shadowy beings who control them.

These ‘powers that be’ absolutely, categorically & without any shadow of a doubt, do not, under any circumstances want your incredible, powerful, creative, intelligent, intuitive minds, with their unpredictable natures, to be allowed to roam free.


They just manipulate everyone into believing it’s a good idea. Or actually a really bad idea but something we have no control over.

But it’s not their future. It’s not ours either. It’s yours. And you do have control over it.

My comment:

Since the fall of the Third Reich in 1945, many Germans and other people around the world have asked: “How could this have happened?” 

In 2020/21, we could watch “this” unfolding in front of our eyes. “Now we know” – if we want to. 

The deep reason for “this” happening again is the school system, which was taken away from the churches in the 19th century. Thus the state became “the church”. Thus the state became the place from which most of us seek salvation. Meaning, spiritually speaking: We’re all back in Egypt now, or Babylon.

The great Covid and fags cover-up

Study after study shows that smokers are less likely to get Covid. But this inconvenient truth has been buried.

Article by Christopher Snowdon on spiked-online.


Of the 100 studies from around the world, 87 of them show a statistically significant reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among current smokers as compared to non-smokers. Seven of them found no statistically significant association either way. Two of them found mixed results. Four of them found a positive association between smoking and infection, although three of these looked at people with a genetic propensity to smoke rather than at smokers themselves.

The studies used a range of methodologies.

The findings are remarkably consistent, with smokers typically being 50 per cent less likely to catch the virus. Some of the researchers express surprise about this in the text of their study, others acknowledge that many other studies have found the same thing. Some of them discuss the possible biological mechanisms behind it, others do not mention the association at all. Some of them are clearly mortified to have reached a ‘pro-smoking’ conclusion.

Smoking cigarettes to ward off a respiratory disease does seem counterintuitive, I will grant you, and alternative explanations have been put forward. 

Biological mechanisms exist to explain why smoking could protect from SARS-CoV-2 infection. I don’t pretend to be qualified to assess them, but the basic idea is that nicotine competes with the virus for the ACE2 receptor.

Google any mixture of ‘smoking’, ‘smokers’, ’tobacco’, ‘cigarettes’, ‘Covid-19’, ‘Covid’ and ‘coronavirus’ and you will get a series of obfuscating opinion pieces and misinformation from the WHO. Add in words like ‘evidence’, ‘study’, ‘studies’ or ‘research’ and the Thorax study nearly always appears at number one.

I don’t know whether this is Big Tech rigging the system or the natural result of that study’s prominence in the media and medical journals, but there has been a concerted effort among people in public health to misrepresent the evidence. You could say that this doesn’t really matter. There are arguably no practical applications from the knowledge that smoking (or nicotine) reduces the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nobody was ever going to recommend smoking as a preventive health strategy and nearly everybody has had Covid-19 now anyway. But the truth needs no justification to be heard and if they can get away with lying about this, what else are they lying about?

Every epidemiological study worth its salt pays lip service to the truism that correlation does not equal causation, but, in practice, this is only raised as a serious objection when the findings are inconvenient.

Demanding an impossible standard of evidence for politically awkward findings, while inferring causation at the drop of a hat when the science supports the cause, has been standard practice in public health for decades. 

The medical establishment’s approach to inconvenient facts was summed up by TV doctor Xand Van Tulleken, when he was asked about the smoker’s paradox on the BBC in May 2020. With the unbreakable confidence that only comes with having a medical degree, he said [on Twitter]:

‘I haven’t looked into this particular bit of research, but I would discount it completely. It is definitely wrong.’

When evidence is dismissed sight unseen, we are in the realms of faith rather than science. Awkward facts become heresies, the heretics are condemned and the truth is withheld – all because the public are considered too stupid to handle nuance.