Category Archives: Media

They take us for fools

Unfortunately, they're probably right

Writes the BBC:

(see here [remove space between co and .uk]: .uk/news/uk-england-london-65321937

The death of a doctor after his Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab was due to “unintended complications of the vaccine”, an inquest has ruled.

Stephen Wright, an NHS psychologist in south-east London, died 10 days after his first dose in January 2021, senior coroner Andrew Harris found.

Of course, they emphasize this kind of event is rare:

At London Inner South Coroner’s Court, Mr Harris described it as a “very unusual and deeply tragic case”. AstraZeneca (AZ) has been approached for comment.

How unlucky for the victim to have been killed by such a “very unusual” case, when he was one of the first people to receive the vaccine.

Strange, is it not?

They take us for fools. And unfortunately, they are probably right.

Tyranny Through Weaponized Bureaucracy

Jordan Peterson interviews Dr. Scott Jensen

Another example of the development described by James Burnham in his 1941 book “The Managerial Revolution”, which I mention in this post.

From the video description:

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Scott Jensen walk through his accomplished professional life in family medicine, as well as his successful run as a Minnesota senator, all before having his reputation in both fields dismantled for what may be purely political reasons. Six investigations across nearly five years and numerous allegations without cohesion, proof, or relation have amounted to nothing, save for the clarification of Dr. Jensen’s newest goal: to take on the medical board that had no justification for its actions. Given the parallels between Dr. Jensen and Dr. Peterson’s experiences, this interview was not only inevitable but paramount.

Dr. Scott Jensen has practiced family medicine in Carver County, Minnesota, for 35 years. Jensen then served in the Minnesota Senate (2017-2021) and was vice-chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, as well as the Republican Governor candidate in the 2022 election.

He has served many organizations as a board member or chair including the Waconia School Board, numerous Rotary and Lions clubs, several Chambers of Commerce, and bank boards. He is an avid pilot and writer, publishing his first book in 2015, “Relationship Matters” and his second book, “We’ve Been Played” in 2022. In 2001, he founded Catalyst Medical Clinic which now has offices located in Watertown and Chaska.

The video is here (prompted at the actual beginning).

Near the beginning, Jensen says: His medical supervisory board told him in April 2020, as a physician: If you believe that Covid-19 “contributed” to a death, you can put it down as cause of death.

Disasters report features ‘crudely manipulated data’

Press release of the Global Warming Policy Foundation

London, 17 April – The Global Warming Policy Foundation has called on the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to withdraw its fatally flawed 2022 Disasters in Numbers report.

The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), together with the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), recently published their 2022 report on “Disaster in Numbers.”
On its front cover, the report deceptively suggests that the 387 reported disasters, the loss of 30,704 lives, affecting 185 million individuals and causing economic damage of $223.8 billion are due to “climate in action” – although the report also covers earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and wildfires.

The annual review of disasters of all kinds has been examined by extreme weather expert, Dr Ralph Alexander, who has published a strongly worded critique at his website.

Dr Alexander notes that:

* data has been crudely manipulated to suggest that there may be a hidden underlying increase in weather-related disasters
* false claims are made on the basis of statistically invalid comparisons.

GWPF director Dr Benny Peiser said:

“Dr Alexander has shown that the authors of the latest ‘Disasters in Numbers’ report are bending over backwards to provide support for the narrative of climate doom, when the data and trends of weather-related disasters are pointing in the opposite direction.

The Catholic University and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) should be ashamed of what is appearing in their name. This publication is fatally flawed and should be withdrawn.”

More information

Ralph Alexander: CRED’s 2022 Disasters in Numbers report is a disaster in itself

2022 Disasters in Numbers

Things are hotting up on the vaccine front

Steve Kirsch is threatening to sue a medical journal for retracting a paper showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died as a consequence of the Covid vaccine

Writes Steve Kirsch:

The medical journals need to be held accountable for their retractions of valid scientific papers that don’t fit the narrative.

The Skidmore paper is a clear cut case.

This paper was the #1 most popular paper in the history of the journal.

But now, after publishing it, they have decided that they don’t like it because it shows that hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by the vaccine. They said that the survey wasn’t representative, but NOBODY asked to see the survey data!! So how could they know? We’ll find out in court when we depose each and every member of their editorial board.

I’m prepared to fund all the legal costs to do this.

20 Million lives saved with Covid Vaccines?

Turns out this week that this claim was "stretching the truth" almost to infinity!

Writes Christine Anderson, German MEP (for the AfD):

At the recent meeting of the official EU COVID Special Committee, I questioned the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, and the Director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Emer Cooke.

Many of my questions were dodged as usual, but it was repeatedly claimed that over 20 million lives have been saved by COVID “vaccines”. When I asked for evidence backing this claim and referred to Ms. Cooke’s contacts with the EFPIA – a major lobbying organization of European pharmaceutical manufacturers, she suddenly went into a massive stutter. (Memories of last year’s questioning of AstraZeneca’s vice director immediately came to my mind). In the end, Ms. Cooke finally buckled and admitted: “The 20 million lives saved came from ALL (‼️) vaccines, not just C19 mRNA vaccines!” This blows the lid off the next Corona lie. Be sure to watch the video to the end! It’s worth it!

I remember a few months ago hearing Brian Cox no less, a leading science presenter on the BBC, repeat this “20 million” claim on his program on Radio 4.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. 

writes the same BBC in an article from 26th October 2016 on their website.

They obviously know what they are doing. After all, they are the “experts”.

New Insights into Covid

From two posts found today

‘Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie’ writes Kit Knightly. He adds:

The world has moved pretty quickly in the last three years, changed to the point of being almost unrecognisable, and if you want to understand how it all started you have to travel back in time. Past vaccines and ventilators. Past passports and PCRS. Past Pfizer and Fauci and flattened curves…back to the very beginning.

All the way back to Wuhan, China, December 2019. Where, we are told, one doctor saw four cases of stereotypical pneumonia and called it “mysterious”, and one virologist started looking for something he had no reason to think even existed, and just so happened to find it.

‘The Origins of Virus Panic and the Importance of Tuesday, 10 March 2020’ writes eugyppius. He adds:

One theory, would simply be that Tomas Pueyo’s posts resounded within the American national security establishment as much as they did in European governments, and convinced Trump that he had to “act now.” Birx, Pence, Kushner and the rest can’t agree on a story about why he changed his mind, because the truth – that he or his closest advisers were convinced by a sciencey viral blog post – is too ridiculous to admit.

Another theory – not necessarily mutually exclusive – would be that Pueyo’s work was brought to prominence via algorithmic manipulations, bots, influencer amplification, or other means, to support decisions which were taken in the days leading up to 10 March, and which were probably related in some way to the general Italian lockdown announced on that day.

The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books

Naomi Wolf on her recent experience in Covid-hysterical New York

Excerpts from the article:

In addition to the dissonance of seeing people who had been perfectly okay with discriminating against the very people who had fought to return to them the liberties they now enjoyed, I suffered a sense of disorientation at realizing that there was a giant cognitive hole in the middle of contemporary culture.

The staffers at the Brooklyn branch of Jackson McNally Bookstore, an independent bookstore which had for years been a stalwart outpost of free-thinking publishing, were still masked, against all reason. I walked in with some trepidation.

Peacefully, faces covered, three years on, they stacked books on the shelves.

I was astonished, as I wandered the well-stocked aisles. Independent bookstores usually reflect the burning issues in a culture at that given time.

But — now — nothing.


The bizarre thing about this moment in culture, is that the really important journalism, and the really important nonfiction books about the history, the racial and gender injustice, the economics, the public policy, of the “pandemic” years — are being written by — non-writers; by people who are trained as doctors, medical researchers, lawyers, politicians, and activists.

And their books are not displayed or even stocked in bookstores such as Jackson McNally.

So there is a massive hole in the central thought process of our culture.

The courageous non-writers have stepped in to tell the truth, because the famous writers, for the most part, can’t.

Or won’t. Or, for whatever reason, didn’t.

This is because the public intellectuals are by necessity, for the most part, AWOL to the truth-telling demands of this time.

You cannot be a public intellectual whose work is alive, if you have participated in manufacturing, or even accepting quietly, state-run lies.


“People just want to move on,” I keep hearing, in my former haunts in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Don’t talk about it.

So this all leads to a weird situation, culturally, now, indeed.

In the world of alt-media independent exiled dissidents, where I live most of the time, we are having the most riveting, important conversations of our lives. This is because we all know civilization itself, and liberty itself, and maybe even the fate of the human race itself, are at stake every day.

In the polite elite-media circles of Brooklyn and New York, to which I returned briefly to dip a toe in the water, people are — not talking about any of it.

They are not talking about the enslavement of humanity. They are not talking about young adults dropping dead.


We don’t fight for freedom so that we can get credit.

We don’t fight for truth because we want a byline.

We do both just because we can’t help it.

We do both because our Founders fought to the death so that we ourselves would be free one day.

And we fight so that little children whom we will never live to see, will grow up free.

But it is painful to witness the beating heart of what had been a great culture, stunned and muted in denial, and unable to function intellectually.

I guess we just need to leave the sadly rotting carcass of the establishment culture of lies and denial behind.

I say that with sorrow. I will miss the bookstores, universities, newspapers that I once revered.

I guess we have to follow the voices of the truth-tellers of the moment, to other, surprising, beleaguered campfires.

I guess we need to pitch our tents in new fields, outside the walls of the crumbling, breached, and decadent city.

I guess we need to learn new songs and tell new stories, as we find ourselves alongside other — surprising — fierce, and unbowed, and determined, new comrades in arms.

Lots of data on vaccination status and Covid deaths in UK

From the Exposé

The article starts off with a quote from Ara Darzi, a member of the House of Lords, who wrote in the “Times” on 3rd October 2022: “‘The latest stage in the battle against Covid-19 has begun. Across the UK people aged over 50 are being called for vaccination with a booster this autumn to protect them against a likely new wave of infection this winter. But how many will accept it?”

The article goes on to say:

Darzi, who also just happens to be the director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, London then went on to claim the following –

  • The growing anti-vaccine movement is a threat to public health here (UK) and across the Globe.
  • Over 3.7 million people in Britain (6.4 per cent) are yet to have a single dose of the Covid vaccine.
  • The risk of death is 14 times higher in the unvaccinated and without full coverage, the danger to the wider population is increased.
  • Thousands of deaths have been linked to vaccine refusal. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 37,961 unvaccinated people in the UK died with Covid-19 mentioned on their death certificates between January 2021 and March 2022.

The article then exposes these claims as totally false, proving this with lots of data, much of which in chart form. Well worth keeping.