Category Archives: Economics

Why the Carbon Hysteria is a Huge Threat to Your Personal Freedom and Financial Wellbeing

Interview of Doug Casey in International Man


International Man: Western countries are leading the charge in restructuring their economies around the issue of climate change. They’re committed to a comprehensive agenda to “decarbonize” their economies by 2050.

What’s your take on this?

Doug Casey: To sum it up in one word, it’s insane. In two words, it’s criminally insane.

[. . .]

Look, this is all about politics and money, but disguised as a religious movement, which is quite clever. There’s no question that Greenism is being promoted as a new religion.

Christianity is a dead duck in Europe, and it’s dying in North America. But people need some type of religion, a replacement for Christianity, to hold on to.

People will be encouraged to treat their taxes as tithes to wash away their sins against Mother Nature—much the way they tithed the church to expunge their sins in the Middle Ages. It’s an exact analogy. They’ll buy “carbon credits” as an analog for building cathedrals and monasteries.

The Discovery of Civilization

Article by Jayant Bhandari.


Unknowns lurked in every corner of my stay in the UK, crystallizing many ideas I had never known or thought of in my wildest imagination. Lacking anything akin to the Ten Commandments, India has no prohibitions for sins, certainly not lying. I grew up firm in my view that you say what makes you look good and what gets you the most resources. It would take me a year after my arrival in the UK to realize that people might speak the truth for the sake of speaking it.

At the office where I worked in Manchester, I compiled a newsletter, placing the list of all the projects they were working on at the back page. To create the impression of a more extensive workload, I would add old projects to make the list appear crowded. One day, a consultant told me I had overblown his contributions. I was surprised. Why would he want to undercut the promotion of his work? In those days, political correctness and multi-culturalism weren’t the thing. If you strayed too far away, you were told.

I was experiencing civilization for the first time and had stepped into the unknown. The cloud that had always lingered in my mind started lifting, and my body began to change, albeit hindered by half-starvation. It would set a decades-long process to readjust my thinking and decision-making. With a crisper way of reasoning, how and what I comprehended from the spoken and written word began to evolve. I found myself less focused on converting others to my opinions and more engaged in exploration and searching for truth. Consequently, my interactions with people changed significantly, leading to fewer conflicts.

During the first few months in the UK, I initially harbored thoughts of exploiting the system, viewing it as payback time for the British colonization of India. However, this perspective began to dissolve in the face of a stream of compassionate, generous, helpful, moral, fair, dutiful, and upright people.

This chimes exactly with what Vishal Mangalwadi writes in his book: “The Book That Made Your World“, in particular the beginning of chapter 14, on “Morality”.

How the West Was Defeated

Article by Pepe Escobar.


Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia – a heir to those like Braudel, Sartre, Deleuze and Foucault who dazzled successive young Cold War generations from the West down to the East.

The first nugget concerning his latest book, La Défaite de L’Occident (“The Defeat of the West”) is the minor miracle of actually being published last week in France, right within the NATO sphere: a hand grenade of a book, by an independent thinker, based on facts and verified data, blowing up the whole Russophobia edifice erected around the “aggression” by “Tsar” Putin.

At least some sectors of strictly oligarch-controlled corporate media in France simply could not ignore Todd this time around for several reasons. Most of all because he was the first Western intellectual, already in 1976, to have predicted the fall of the USSR in his book La Chute Finale, with his research based on Soviet infant mortality rates.

Another key reason was his 2002 book Apres L’Empire, a sort of preview of the Empire’s Decline and Fall published a few months before Shock & Awe in Iraq.

Now Todd, in what he has defined as his last book (“I closed the circle”) allows himself to go for broke and meticulously depict the defeat not only of the US but of the West as a whole – with his research focusing in and around the war in Ukraine.

How the Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard of Living

Interview with Doug Casey.


But perhaps the average person doesn’t think about these things or care. The standard of living has gone up for so long that we tend to think it’s automatic and divinely ordained. I’m not so sure about that. Everything tends to wind down unless there is enough outside force to counteract it.

The planet will be just fine. It’s been here for 4.5 billion years and will be here for billions more, long after humanity has disappeared or gone elsewhere. Anyway, the climate hysterics don’t really care about “saving the planet”; even they aren’t quite that stupid. What’s going on is that they actually hate humanity. And themselves. The world is suffering from an episode of mass psychosis.

One currently fashionable indication of this is the 15-minute city, which governments are trying to impose all over the world. These would penalize you if you exit your designated 15-minute zone more than X number of times per month. The idea is green. And, like most green notions, it is very retrogressive. They want to return people to the status of medieval serfs, when few ventured more than 15 minutes from their hovels.

I hate to think something so dire is in the cards. But Dark Riders are at large, and the eye of Sauron is scanning the world. The tendency towards authoritarianism or even totalitarianism worldwide is growing—not to mention the possibility of World War III.

The negative trends go way beyond carbon hysteria and appliances that don’t work very well.

Today’s Journalists Seek Power, Not Truth

Article by J.B. Shurk.


How do you destroy a free press?  Fill it with people who hate free speech, look down upon the poor and powerless, and believe that only their opinions matter.  Then pay them to repeat and defend everything that the “ruling class” brands as an “official truth.”  It’s amazing how fast public dissent dries up when you bribe the “journalists” and censor anyone who notices.

[Question: Who does the “filling”, and where do those “people who hate free speech” come from? The second question is easier to answer: From the schools and universities. The first question: Companies with monopoly power (only a few big media companies “call the shots”) tend to overprice and underdeliver . . .]

A couple decades ago, any reporter worth his salt would have laughed in the face of some nansy-pansy critic accusing him of “hate speech.”  The most well-respected reporters would have either hung the libelous dross on their cubicle walls as meritorious decoration or tossed it in the bin, doused it with file drawer whiskey, and lit the calumny on fire.  Today’s JournoList poseurs, in contrast, act as both wimpy self-flagellators denouncing their own “privilege” before the priests of the DEI Inquisition toss them on the sacrificial pyre and Salem witch trial accusers all too willing to point the finger at anyone who dares to question the latest “politically correct” fads and “woke” fashions.  Today’s “reporters” have so betrayed the basic principles of their own profession that they believe it is their deranged civic duty to tell everyone else what they may or may not think and say.

Message for the Reawaken America Tour

From Bishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Text found here.

Video of the message is here.

Dear friends,

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Allow me to address you first of all to thank you for the witness you are giving to your fellow Americans. The awakening of consciences is the first step toward liberation from the subversive leadership that has usurped the highest places in both national and international institutions. Because opening one’s eyes and looking at reality is essential, if you are to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’état, and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you.

You have all witnessed, in recent years, a radical change in society. A change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold out rulers. The United States of America, like many other nations hostage to the Agenda 2030, is facing a very serious crisis: inflation, an out of control self-induced migration crisis, human trafficking and child trafficking, rampant crime and the weakening of law enforcement, the liberalization of crime and impunity, social degradation everywhere, new drugs that ruin the people who take them; the aberrations of woke ideology, the LGBTQ+ agenda imposed in schools, discrimination against whites. And there is still more: the war against President Donald Trump, the electoral fraud in the presidential electionthe Great Reset plans that seem to be proceeding smoothly, and the bottomless pit of funding and military aid that seeks to prolong the conflict in Ukraine, thereby covering up the crimes of the Biden family and the Democrats. And finally, a very disturbing new scenario of war in the Middle East. This multi-pronged siege has all the hallmarks of an unconventional war that is far more devastating than an armed conflict.

This elite wants us to believe that the changes they are imposing on us without any democratic legitimacy, are for our good. This seemingly inexorable process has been planned for decades, and those who have desired it and are implementing it belong to openly anti-Christian and antichristic lobbies. Divorce, abortion, euthanasia, gender transition, pedophilia, moral corruption, cancel culture, immigration and manipulated crises, a way to eradicate every trace of Christian morality from our societies and to deliberately create the impoverishment of the population and favor civil war. Their purpose is to divide us, make us enemies of each other, and see us fighting against each other instead of uniting and fighting them. And ultimately all this chaos serves as a pretext to suppress protests with new restrictions.These subversives want at all costs to make us think that there is no alternative, that the crises they provoke – the pandemic farce, the climate emergency, the energy and water crisis, the proxy wars – are irreversible and inevitable.

Today we know that it is not so. We have the ability to escape from this hell on earth – and we must – but we can do it only if we understand two important and interconnected things.

First: the globalists are certainly very well organized and have enormous economic means, but they are very few, and the members of this tyrannical elite almost have a name and a face, starting with the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, with Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab. All their wealth and profits derive from the exploitation of the peoples and the complicity of the rulers who have been corrupted and bought out. Here too the names are well known: many politicians and representatives of the leading institutions in various nations have participated in the “Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow-program,” the school of subversion, run by the World Economic Forum. How are the exponents of supranational organizations whose purpose is their own enrichment and our enslavement different from the mafia? What prevents us from rebelling against them in the same way that we would rebel against mafia leaders?

The second important thing to keep in mind is that in this spiritual battle the globalist elite, however powerful it may seem, obeys Satan, the Adversary, the one who is a murderer from the beginning, while We the People, with all our weaknesses, are aligned with the Almighty God. Do we believe that their master, Satan, is more powerful than the Lord God? Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, became incarnate and faced his Passion and Death on the Cross, precisely in order to break the chains of sin and death with which Satan holds us captive. By the Redemption we have been ransomed from the yoke of the devil, and through Grace we have supernatural assistance in fighting the holy battle against the Adversary of mankind. If we understand that victory has already been won and that God is truly Almighty, we also understand that if we side with the Lord and fight with Him against His and our enemies, we will share in the victory. The question is not “whether” God will win over Satan-His victory is certain because Satan has already been conquered on the Cross. The question is whether we want to win with God or inexorably lose with Satan.

It is God, Almighty God, who holds the destiny of the world in his hands. He is the Lord, the Giver of Life. We must obey Him and Him alone, because He is a good Father who wants our good, to the point of giving the life of His Only Begotten Son for us! We must believe only in God, because He is the Truth and He does not deceive us!

Come forth, in the name of God! Come forth from this horrendous infernal theater set up by subversive criminals who want us dead! Do not allow the deception of this house of horrors to become a dystopian reality. Do not let yourselves be killed in body and soul by those who hate all that is Good, True and Beautiful because it is an image of God and His greatness! React and get up!

Wake up, dear friends. Wake up from your slumber and rediscover the pride of serving the Good, knowing that God is at your side and that, however powerful His and our enemies may seem, He has already won, but He wants us all to participate in this spiritual battle in order to make us sharers in His victory and triumph.

And if in this battle you also want to help the priests and religious who courageously resist the tyranny of a corrupt and apostate Catholic hierarchy, you can do so with a donation to Exsurge Domine, the international association founded by me that helps pastors faithful to Christ and fights so that the Word of God is not silenced, so that the light of the Gospel shines in the darkness, so that there may always be priests who offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the Divine Majesty. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady and Queen, and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Prince of the Heavenly Host, help us in this endeavor.

Do not be deceived, dear friends: Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!

And may GOD bless you all.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America