Category Archives: Climate change

The Hysterical Style in Western Politics

Why the political rhetoric of Western nations is growing ever more insane and unhinged.

Article by eugyppius.

Extract (conclusion):

The hysterical style arises from a fundamental change in the nature of western government, which has been underway since the early twentieth century, and which has recently accelerated. Managers and administrators have replaced politicians as the primary political actors. Along the way, state power has been diffused and deformalised. Today, a wide array of bureaucrats, stakeholders, NGOs, philanthropic enterprises, journalists, academics and advisory committees all have a say in politics. Hysteria is a means of coordinating all of these widely scattered people and getting them to push in the same direction. The more distributed and generalised state power becomes, the more the hysterical style will grow in importance.

In this brave new system, there is no distinction between media propaganda and political processes. Press hysteria is about much more than simply marshalling support or directing public opinion; it is how our states coordinate their diffuse organs. Because Western nations cannot stir themselves without these hystericising impulses, their scope of action has become remarkably constrained. They have serious problems fixing anything, reforming anything, getting rid of anything, or instituting anything, unless they can do so in response to some minimally credible emergency somewhere. Politics ought to be predictable and boring, at least for those countries that can afford to make it so. Instead, we have unwittingly bred an insane system that is forever losing its mind over ephemeral and often quite illusory problems.

Still worse, all the hysterical appeals presently in circulation appear to be locked in competition with each other for attention and buy-in. Thus the hysterical style is forever escalating, with tamer appeals like those of Fridays for Future losing out to the more extreme rhetoric of Letzte Generation, with Pistorius warning of imminent war in five to eight years because he has to shout over the climateers, and with the anti-AfD contingent reduced to Nazi comparisons because they have to make their bête noire sound even worse than Putin. Trifling things like accuracy and honesty are impossible in this competitive system; the hysterical style rewards instead manipulative imagery, facile historical analogies and apocalyptic scientific models. Moderation is likewise hopeless, as it is easily out-competed and as over time the hysterical system selects for crazy excitable people who prefer to live frantic anxious overdramatised lives.

All narratives in the hysterical style have an acute phase, when they first burst onto the scene and command the most attention; and a longer post-acute phase, after they have been out-competed by other things to panic about. Ominously, post-acute hysterias never quite go away, and they continue to exercise some degree of control on the institutions of government for years or even decades. I suspect one reason that Europe can’t close its borders to the third world, is that this would require a coordinating border security hysteria, which is precluded by the persistent influence of the 2015 open-borders maniacs. The Covidians have likewise become a chronic political affliction, who will strive for decades to realise the next pandemic and reimpose random mask mandates wherever they have any power. You have to wonder what it betokens, as ever more post-acute causes accumulate at the margins of influence, subtly pushing politics towards irrational ends and forever threatening to erupt all over again.

The Revolution of German Farmers | Eva Vlaardingerbroek & Anthony Lee

Interview with Jordan Peterson.

From the video description:

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson speaks with German farmer Anthony Lee and journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek. They discuss the ongoing farmers’ protest, the war on efficient agriculture, what is now being panned as the failed German state, the ludicrous net-zero goals creating excess electric vehicles while cutting off the generation of power, and how a grassroots movement can make genuine change at the local and national levels.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch journalist and previous YouTube host of the “Let’s Talk About It” program on the channel Riks. Vlaardingerbroek has published opinion articles in newspapers such as the Dutch weekly Elsevier Weekblad and appeared on programs like Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News. She advocates for a cultural return to faith and a rejection of the WEF manifested, globalist ideology.

Anthony Lee is a German farmer who has become outspoken in recent months as he followed news of farmers struggling all across Europe. Now affecting his home country, the time has come to take a stand, and not just for German farmers and workers, but for everyone.

This episode was recorded on January 15th, 2023

Fighting for Truth in Climate Science Is Important

Article by H. Sterling Burnett.


I don’t claim mine is the majority view on this point. Indeed, my life would be easier—and based on offers that have been made to me, my living standard higher—if I conceded the science and joined with those pushing draconian restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions and profiting from various green energy boondoggles. All I have to do to receive higher pay, accolades, and to bring an end to the abuse and threats from those who think I’m “worse than the Nazis” (something said and written to me a number of times), is to play the game and join the consensus. All that’s holding me back is my stubborn, arguably foolish, belief that I should speak the truth on this and other matters of public import of which I am knowledgeable as I see fit, let the chips fall where they may.

Ring cites as an example of playing defense, at a great cost to society, the response of big oil companies to the various lawsuits filed in multiple political jurisdictions by cities, states, and various activist groups. Oil companies have largely conceded the science, saying in effect, “Our products have been beneficial, producing a lot of good, but are also changing the climate for the worse, so we agree we must phase them out in a timely fashion. Not now, but over time, and in the meantime, we’re investing in lower carbon solutions.”

That’s like a popular but abusive spouse saying, “Look, I’m a pretty good guy and contribute to society, but along the way, I beat my wife. But I’m doing it less now than in the past, and in the future I expect to stop doing it entirely.” That’s not a very compelling argument.

The fight for sound science, per se, but climate science, specifically, is a fight for truth and all the progress science can provide. It’s a moral fight. That is why I continue to fight for what I believe to be the truth about climate change, even in the face of ad hominem attacks in print, through email, and online, attempted and sometimes successful censorship, and the occasional threat of physical violence and death.

Message for the Reawaken America Tour

From Bishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Text found here.

Video of the message is here.

Dear friends,

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Allow me to address you first of all to thank you for the witness you are giving to your fellow Americans. The awakening of consciences is the first step toward liberation from the subversive leadership that has usurped the highest places in both national and international institutions. Because opening one’s eyes and looking at reality is essential, if you are to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’état, and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you.

You have all witnessed, in recent years, a radical change in society. A change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold out rulers. The United States of America, like many other nations hostage to the Agenda 2030, is facing a very serious crisis: inflation, an out of control self-induced migration crisis, human trafficking and child trafficking, rampant crime and the weakening of law enforcement, the liberalization of crime and impunity, social degradation everywhere, new drugs that ruin the people who take them; the aberrations of woke ideology, the LGBTQ+ agenda imposed in schools, discrimination against whites. And there is still more: the war against President Donald Trump, the electoral fraud in the presidential electionthe Great Reset plans that seem to be proceeding smoothly, and the bottomless pit of funding and military aid that seeks to prolong the conflict in Ukraine, thereby covering up the crimes of the Biden family and the Democrats. And finally, a very disturbing new scenario of war in the Middle East. This multi-pronged siege has all the hallmarks of an unconventional war that is far more devastating than an armed conflict.

This elite wants us to believe that the changes they are imposing on us without any democratic legitimacy, are for our good. This seemingly inexorable process has been planned for decades, and those who have desired it and are implementing it belong to openly anti-Christian and antichristic lobbies. Divorce, abortion, euthanasia, gender transition, pedophilia, moral corruption, cancel culture, immigration and manipulated crises, a way to eradicate every trace of Christian morality from our societies and to deliberately create the impoverishment of the population and favor civil war. Their purpose is to divide us, make us enemies of each other, and see us fighting against each other instead of uniting and fighting them. And ultimately all this chaos serves as a pretext to suppress protests with new restrictions.These subversives want at all costs to make us think that there is no alternative, that the crises they provoke – the pandemic farce, the climate emergency, the energy and water crisis, the proxy wars – are irreversible and inevitable.

Today we know that it is not so. We have the ability to escape from this hell on earth – and we must – but we can do it only if we understand two important and interconnected things.

First: the globalists are certainly very well organized and have enormous economic means, but they are very few, and the members of this tyrannical elite almost have a name and a face, starting with the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, with Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab. All their wealth and profits derive from the exploitation of the peoples and the complicity of the rulers who have been corrupted and bought out. Here too the names are well known: many politicians and representatives of the leading institutions in various nations have participated in the “Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow-program,” the school of subversion, run by the World Economic Forum. How are the exponents of supranational organizations whose purpose is their own enrichment and our enslavement different from the mafia? What prevents us from rebelling against them in the same way that we would rebel against mafia leaders?

The second important thing to keep in mind is that in this spiritual battle the globalist elite, however powerful it may seem, obeys Satan, the Adversary, the one who is a murderer from the beginning, while We the People, with all our weaknesses, are aligned with the Almighty God. Do we believe that their master, Satan, is more powerful than the Lord God? Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, became incarnate and faced his Passion and Death on the Cross, precisely in order to break the chains of sin and death with which Satan holds us captive. By the Redemption we have been ransomed from the yoke of the devil, and through Grace we have supernatural assistance in fighting the holy battle against the Adversary of mankind. If we understand that victory has already been won and that God is truly Almighty, we also understand that if we side with the Lord and fight with Him against His and our enemies, we will share in the victory. The question is not “whether” God will win over Satan-His victory is certain because Satan has already been conquered on the Cross. The question is whether we want to win with God or inexorably lose with Satan.

It is God, Almighty God, who holds the destiny of the world in his hands. He is the Lord, the Giver of Life. We must obey Him and Him alone, because He is a good Father who wants our good, to the point of giving the life of His Only Begotten Son for us! We must believe only in God, because He is the Truth and He does not deceive us!

Come forth, in the name of God! Come forth from this horrendous infernal theater set up by subversive criminals who want us dead! Do not allow the deception of this house of horrors to become a dystopian reality. Do not let yourselves be killed in body and soul by those who hate all that is Good, True and Beautiful because it is an image of God and His greatness! React and get up!

Wake up, dear friends. Wake up from your slumber and rediscover the pride of serving the Good, knowing that God is at your side and that, however powerful His and our enemies may seem, He has already won, but He wants us all to participate in this spiritual battle in order to make us sharers in His victory and triumph.

And if in this battle you also want to help the priests and religious who courageously resist the tyranny of a corrupt and apostate Catholic hierarchy, you can do so with a donation to Exsurge Domine, the international association founded by me that helps pastors faithful to Christ and fights so that the Word of God is not silenced, so that the light of the Gospel shines in the darkness, so that there may always be priests who offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the Divine Majesty. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady and Queen, and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Prince of the Heavenly Host, help us in this endeavor.

Do not be deceived, dear friends: Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!

And may GOD bless you all.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America