Do We Need A Final Crusade To Save the Western World?

Article by Brandon Smith.


The fury over Hegseth, in my view, gives us a peak behind the curtain at what the establishment truly fears, and their fear is triggered by unabashed Christianity. But not just that – It’s Hegseth’s veneration of old Christianity and a time when Christians controlled much of the known world. People like Hegseth are usually obstructed from entering government because they are standard bearers of a philosophy which terrifies globalists.

Is Hegseth a proponent of Christian empire? Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. However, if he is, I wonder if that would be such a bad thing?

It’s a win: Bankers are backing away from the Monster Banking Climate Cartel

It’s become a flood

Article by Jo Nova.


It’s a good start to 2025 — just quietly, the money is exiting the Monster Banker Climate Cartel. Since the Trump win, the bankers are running away suddenly from the United Nations “Net-Zero Banking Alliance” (NZBA) which is a sub-part of GFANZ (the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero) — the world’s largest and richest climate activists club. GFANZ is the public face of every kind of global financial-bullying-to-save-the-world. Economically, the monster collective could eat whole nations for breakfast. At one point the collective assets-under-management were as valued at the fantastical conglomeration of $130 trillion. It is the hydra-head hissing at superannuation funds and national treasurers that don’t comply with sacred green goals. Who cares what the voters want?

Celebrating the Death of Woke and the Resurrection of Common Sense

Article by Brandon Smith.

Years ago when the woke takeover of government and popular media was hitting a crescendo, I often struggled to put the horrifying development into the proper words. That is to say, woke isn’t just about DEI or blaming the “patriarchy” – These things are tools that leftists use, but the goal of the movement has always been the destruction of the western world.  Woke represented the perverse inversion of every aspect of western society and human morality – To explain such evil requires a concise analysis.

In the movie ‘Platoon’, directed by Oliver Stone, Charlie Sheen’s character is a young soldier cast into the nightmare of the Vietnam War. Regretting his decision to volunteer, he makes a disturbing observation:

Hell is the impossibility of reason.  That’s what this place feels like.  Hell.

This description perfectly summarizes the core aspirations of the woke movement; to create a world where all reason is impossible. A world where all logic and critical thought are admonished. A world where lies are celebrated and the truth is treated as treason. A society that’s not allowed to claim its own heritage because it has been labeled “racist”. A culture perpetually walking on eggshells as leftist hall monitors loom over us, gatekeeping our every moment. What we witnessed as a society over the past decade has been a calculated nuclear attack on the very fabric of the human soul.

Continue reading here.

Environmental Kuznets curve

Definition: The environmental Kuznets curve suggests that economic development initially leads to a deterioration in the environment, but after a certain level of economic growth, a society begins to improve its relationship with the environment and levels of environmental degradation reduces.

From a very simplistic viewpoint, it can suggest that economic growth is good for the environment.

However, critics argue there is no guarantee that economic growth will lead to an improved environment – in fact, the opposite is often the case. At the least, it requires a very targeted policy and attitudes to make sure that economic growth is compatible with an improving environment.

Continue reading here.

The big story of 2024 that nobody is talking about

Article by Kit Knightly.


Sound and fury and all that signifies. But were they the most important?

No, the important story of 2024 was The Great Reset.

Remember that? It was this pan-global supranational plan to tear down and then rebuild society in a “sustainable”, “inclusive”, “fair” and “secure” way that would – totally accidentally – eradicate civil liberties and individual freedom for every single person on the planet.

It was all the rage a few years ago, you might remember. But when it didn’t go over too well with a lot of people, the powers that be dropped the subject and there’s been very little talk about it since 2022.

Does that mean it’s gone away?

We need to have “object permanence” in politics as in all things. Something doesn’t cease to exist just because you can’t see it anymore. The world doesn’t vanish when you close your eyes.

The Great Reset is still the plan.

Collapse of the $5 Trillion Green Energy Scam

Interview with Doug Casey in “International Man” (via


Doug Casey: We’ve had two tremendous mass hysterias in the last decade.

One revolves around health, with a novel disease and the creation of a vaccine said to fight it. Second is the climate hysteria, which promises to be even more disruptive.

Generations of students have been indoctrinated to believe that Mother Earth is being ravaged by its evil human population. In reality, Earth is going to be just fine. The real damage is being done by the kind of people who want to control other people. The answer to what should be done is: Nothing. The busybodies should mind their own business.

The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge. However, “getting involved” generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives. Lacking traditional religion, they crave something bigger than themselves. It wasn’t so long ago that saving the whales was the cause du jour. Even though, with some minor exceptions, whales haven’t been hunted for over a century. Or saving the polar bears, even their population has been increasing for decades. I wonder what ever happened to the snail darter?

If it’s not one thing, it’s something else. It’s always something to get the population into a state of fear and hysteria. The elite who control society use them to keep the plebs in line.