How to confront cancel culture

Comedian Dave Chappelle shows us

Brendan O’Neill has written a piece about Dave Chappelle. The comedian has recognised something important: The cancel-culture-crowd, which he opposes, want to make the world a better place. They are however going about it the wrong way:

And yet the truthfulness, the compulsion, of Chappelle’s utterance of thoughts and beliefs and jokes that have madly been turned into speechcrimes is unquestionably inspiring. Chappelle, in being Chappelle, shows us how to confront cancel culture. Not by acquiescing to it, of course. That always feeds the beast. The cancelling mob gets fat on apologies. Every public figure’s pleading for forgiveness is blood in the nostrils of the new censors. And not by opposing it just because that’s what your side in the culture war does. Indeed, in his recent podcast chat with Joe Rogan – even rubbing shoulders with Rogan confirms that Chappelle gives very few shits about the cordon sanitaire self-righteous cancellers have erected around certain people and ideas – Chappelle said he understands ‘the ideas behind some of these cancellations’. Cancellers kind of want to make the world a better place, he and Rogan agreed. The problem is that in the process of smashing that which offends them, they undermine the creative process necessary for an art like comedy and deny us the right to hear alternative ideas. Chappelle’s mix of sympathy for and opposition to the cancelling instinct makes him as far from a shit-stirring, ‘feminism is cancer’ grifter as it is possible to get.

In other words, the cancellers want progress, but in actual fact they are creating regress. They are destroying without creating. The way to oppose them is not to mirror their destructive attitude, but to create something better.

By being creative, we are emulating the creativity of God, who is the ultimate Creator. That is what we should be striving for, as our acts of creation allow us to progressively exercise dominion over the earth, as commanded by Him.