It really was just the flu, bro

The Occam's razor explanation for "the pandemic."

Article by Jordan Schachtel.


At the onset of the covid hysteria era, the “experts” took pains to tell us that this was no ordinary viral outbreak, but a “novel” virus situation that required a novel response, through the infamous “measures” that resulted in the destruction of civilization.

Why was this seasonal respiratory infection outbreak different than any other seasonal respiratory infection outbreak?

First, we were told that the novel virus carried unique symptoms for those burdened by the disease.

But there were no unique symptoms for those burdened by the disease.

According to the CDC, flu symptoms include “fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and/or fatigue.”

According to the CDC, covid symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and/or fatigue.

The most common “novel” symptom that was promoted was a temporary mitigation of taste and smell. Weird. Must be a bioweapon or something, right?

Wrong. The loss of taste and smell is common for any and all upper respiratory tract infections.

A day later, Schachtel wrote a follow up entry. Excerpt:

If anything, the lesson to be learned is not to put your trust in the hands of the government, which, either through malice or reckless indifference, encouraged widespread iatrogenic [“medical malpractice”] injury as the solution to a nonexistent pandemic. It wasn’t “the pandemic” that devastated the global economy and wrecked civilization, it was the top-down dictates from above that caused millions of excess deaths worldwide, all to supposedly combat a disease that was not out of the ordinary whatsoever.