Category Archives: Covid

Excess Deaths in Finland and Norway in 2022 Were Higher Than in Sweden in 2020

A condemnation of lockdown policies

Writes Nick Rendell in The Daily Sceptic:

Remember back in 2020 when Sweden was the bad boy of the Covid world? Placed firmly on the naughty step by the WHO, the EU and many national leaders, the Swedes bravely, or stubbornly, ploughed their own furrow. However, by the end of 2020, with the excess death rate in Sweden at 758 per million compared to the minuscule or negative rates in the ‘pin-up’ Nordic countries of Finland, Denmark and Norway (each of which followed WHO and EU orthodoxy) Sweden, and their Chief Epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, were firmly on the defensive.

How times change! Here we are in 2023, the pandemic rapidly disappearing in the rear-view mirror. But what’s this? The excess date rate in 2022 in both Finland and Norway was higher than Sweden’s in 2020. How can that be, isn’t the pandemic over?

Continue reading here.

Decline of Christian faith during Covid

Some proof from the US

Chuck Baldwin is a conservative American Christian who has been heavily involved in politics in the past. He has recently written a piece commenting on a survey showing a sharp decline in faith among nominal Christians in his country: “America’s Pulpits Under Indictment: Let the Adjustments Begin!

The findings of that survey confirm something I predicted based on what I learned from Gary North. When I saw how churches throughout the world, but particularly in the Western world, reacted to Covid, I predicted a further decline of faith. The clergy’s reaction was in principle identical to what they did, according to North, during the Plague or Black Death. Back then, they fled the towns for the countryside instead of ministering to the sick and dying. This cost the church a lot of credibility and paved the way for the Renaissance. The Renaissance was an intellectual movement that delved into the writings and philosophies of pre-Christian ancient Greece and Rome, looking for sources of truth other than the Bible. This ultimately led to thought centred on the human being instead of God.

The Renaissance in turn led to the enlightenment which first relegated God to a role of disinterested and distant Creator (so-called “Deism“), until essentially discarding God entirely. The “death of God” (Nietzsche) then led to the horrors of the French Revolution which, after having been defeated and staved off (just about) for a century (in which time the Industrial Revolution brought untold blessings to untold millions), led to the various horrific, ideologically driven mass slaughters by the millions in the 20th century, a phenomenon which essentially has to this day not yet abated.

During Covid, the clergy didn’t flee the towns. Instead, they locked the churches, implicitly declared their services “non-essential” and fled into cyberspace and Zoom services. They thus relinquished spiritual space, so to speak, which will now be populated by alternative beliefs of all sorts. They had been seeping in for some time, but this seepage is now becoming a torrent.

It will be interesting to watch how the churches recover from this blow.

Addendum: There is an interesting other recent survey with a somewhat contrary message: “Surprising Surge Of Young Americans Turn To Religion“.

Zero Hedge writes:

The story of religious trends in America has been one of increasing disaffiliation among younger generations. But a new study reveals an unexpected resurgence of faith among youngsters in a post-Covid era. 

Some young adults had an awakening during Covid as the entire world crumbled around them. They were in search of a higher power to get through the government-forced lockdowns and controlled demolition of the economy, as well as watching loved ones and friends contract Covid-19 that some federal government agencies believe leaked from a Chinese lab.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, a new study commissioned by Springtide Research Institute found about one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds believe in a higher power, up from one-quarter in 2021. The findings were based on polling data from December. 

Continue reading here.

However: Will the churches be able to offer these young people a long-term spiritual home?

Remember “the hospitals are overwhelmed”?

They are, now. Because of the lockdowns.

Writes Tom Woods in his latest newsletter (my emphases):

I’ve been reading an article in the Telegraph (U.K.), called “Lockdown’s cancer bomb may soon be worse than Covid itself.”

You will recall that people did try to warn about this, only to be ridiculed or ignored.

Professor Karol Sikora, who has spent over 40 years in Britain’s National Health Service, describes the situation as very grim. “I can honestly say that the situation is more depressing than it has ever been,” he says. “I’m appalled by the spin and sheer refusal to accept how dire the situation is. Meaningless word salad, created by highly paid PR managers, is spouted out at the taxpayer’s expense simply to protect reputations rather than benefit patients.”

He explains that dealing with stage one cancer is much easier to handle and absorbs far fewer resources than stage three and four cancers. But because of the lockdowns, the “entire system is now clogged up with more advanced conditions, not just cancer, missed over the pandemic, leading to more delays and more suffering.”

This clogging, he adds, is “all a desperately predictable outcome to a pandemic response guided by opinion polling and incompetent modelling. The big unspoken truth in British politics is that an almost two-year long lockdown experiment was the greatest policy mistake in my lifetime.”

[I’ll add at this point: The polled opinions were crucially formed by media ventilating the “incompetent modelling” as the gospel truth, not distinguishing between dying “with” and “of” or “from” Covid, not questioning the validity of the PCR tests and suppressing any good news around the issue, such as alternative treatments that were working. And by people who did know better remaining silent. (PwG)]

This is reason #739 why we can’t just throw up our hands, say mistakes were made, and move on.

At the documentary screening last week that I’d been mentioning in this newsletter for some time, I met someone who said that her family, when she would mention one of the many outrageous lockdown crimes, responds with, “You’re still on this?”

Yes, you’re darn right we are.

Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA jabs

as the Covid vaccinations face unacknowledged yet ever wider cultural and social repudiation

Writes the blogger eugyppius:

The number of unflattering press stories has been growing since the bivalents flopped last Fall.


It’s been a serious shift, the likes of which I’m not sure has unfolded in any other country. To give you a taste of it, I’ve assembled a representative selection of stories from the last eight weeks or so, in roughly reverse chronological order. 

[You can read them on the page linked above.]

The trend is so dominant that it colours all other reporting on Covid and the vaccines. It’s hard to miss the subtle anxiety at work in pieces like this one from the Vienna-based Standard, asking whether we’ll have to vaccinate ourselves against Corona every year from here on out, or the not-so-veiled notes of hope in ZDF reporting on successful Phase 1 trials of the German nasal vaccine. What’s the big deal about regular vaccination and why should we care about new live attenuated vaccines, if the mRNA jabs were God’s gift to man?

[Links in above paragraph are on the original page linked above].

There are clear, encouraging patterns here. The reporting originally surrounded lawsuits brought against the vaccine manufacturers, but has steadily assumed a more general focus. Regional and local papers are carrying a big share of these stories, with major state media playing a supporting role. The publications most popular with German biens pensants, meanwhile, like Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Zeit and even Frankfurter Allgemeine, are pointedly underrepresented. This is a trend driven from the bottom up by popular interest, and in that it is the opposite of much Covid reporting since 2020.

Of course, these stories have always been out there, but until the last few months, enthusiasm for the vaccines was sufficient to suppress them. As with all pandemic policies, mass vaccination exhibits qualities of inertia. Obsession steadily grew through the summer months of 2021, as the jab failed to eradicate Covid, and achieved a frenzied peak around December 2021. There was nothing to do about the insane mania and its manifold irrationality back then, and the steady disenchantment with these products will prove just as inexorable.


The pharmaceuticals have made a lot of money, but their mRNA vaccines have failed. The Robert Koch Institut have stopped updating their vaccine dashboard, after almost four months of totally flatlined uptake; one of the foremost mRNA promoters, Bill Gates, has called the jabs a disappointment and compared them unfavourably to masks, of all things; and BioNTech, facing a revenue decline of 70 percent, have announced an impending return to mRNA-based cancer therapies – their original focus upon their founding in 2008, where they’ve never enjoyed particular success. Perhaps if the vaccinators had proceeded cautiously, limiting their promises and jabbing only the most vulnerable on a strictly voluntary basis, they could’ve preserved some future for their doubtful products. Instead, they oversold and over-administered their snake oil, and two years later most people have decided they don’t like it very much.

US Presidential Candidate RFK jr. Denounces Lockdowns

Writes Tom Woods in his newsletter today:

Yesterday Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., officially announced his bid for president.

And his speech had some great bits in it.

Have I gone soft, and love politicians now?

Don’t worry about that.

What I do genuinely respect is a disruptor. Because if anything deserves to be disrupted, it’s the way what we laughingly call our national conversation is carried on.

RFK spent a chunk of time denouncing the lockdown regime — and of course it’s important to make minds explode by having a prominent Democrat do that.

He said:

Lockdown was the biggest shift in wealth in human history. And I blame President Trump for the lockdown…. President Trump gets blamed for a lot of things and he didn’t do and he gets blamed for some things that he did do. But the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, to our economy, to the middle class in this country, was the lockdown.

Now, President Trump, in fairness, let me just make this point. He’ll tell people, well, lockdown wasn’t my idea. My bureaucrats sold me on it. I was saying we shouldn’t do it. But that’s not a good enough excuse. He was the president of the United States. As Harry Truman said, the buck stops here.

On May 2nd, 2020, 600 doctors wrote a signed a letter to President Trump begging him not to allow the lockdowns. Because at that time, all of the pandemic protocols anywhere in the world, the WHO, CDC, everywhere, the European Health Agency, all say you never do mass lockdowns. It causes much worse havoc and deaths and injuries. You do the standard protocol, which is you lock down the sick, you protect the vulnerable, and you let everybody else go back to work. Otherwise, you are going to wreak havoc.

I wrote about it on Instagram. I was writing every day. I was citing these economic studies that showed that with every point in unemployment, you get you get 37,000 excess deaths: from heart attack, suicides, plus imprisonment. And they dumped me from Instagram. They said that’s misinformation. But it was not. But people were saying it. People knew it. It wasn’t just me.

And we now know, of course, that it’s true. There’s now study after study and every comparison between the states and nations that locked down compared to those who didn’t…. The more you locked down, the worse you got. Worse COVID deaths. Worse excess deaths.

Sweden’s numbers came out this week. Sweden was the only country in Europe that didn’t lock down. It had the lowest excess deaths in Europe….

The the IMF and Harvard study by Larry Summers says the cost of the lockdown to the United States was $16 trillion. 16 trillion for nothing. $16 trillion. We shifted $4 trillion from the middle class in this country to the super rich….

These lockdowns were a war on the poor and they were a war on American children. According to a Brown University study, toddlers lost 22 IQ points. A third of children throughout  their school careers are going to need remedial education. Children all over the country have missed their milestones.

What is CDC’s response? Here’s CDC’s response. The CDC five months ago revised its milestones so that now a child no longer is expected to walk at one year. They have it at 18 months. And a child now does not have to have 50 words at 24 months. It’s 30 months. So instead of fixing the problem, they are trying to cover it up….

As soon as they knew they could censor us they then went after the other part of the First Amendment, freedom of worship. They closed every church in this country, without any scientific citation, for a year….

They told us we had to social distance. They went after our property rights, the Fifth Amendment. They closed 3.3 million businesses with no due process, no just compensation.

He went on to talk about chronic disease and the strange conditions, including all the food allergies, that nobody his age remembers anyone having when they were growing up.

And then Ukraine: the authorities are lying about their intentions, he said, and the current policy is not in our interest.

There were some traditional Democratic talking points, too, particularly with regard to the environment. He spent a great deal of time on that.

I think the opinions of RFK, Jr., are fundamentally wrongheaded on a lot of things. But at this particular moment in history, the issues on which RFK is right are more critical than the ones on which he’s wrong, and they’re issues that no other prominent figure in the Democratic Party will raise.

He is saying things that need to be said, and I hope he keeps on doing it.

If you missed it, here is my interview with RFK, Jr., in which among other things I asked if he would describe Anthony Fauci as a sinister person.

(Hint: the answer wasn’t no.)


They take us for fools

Unfortunately, they're probably right

Writes the BBC:

(see here [remove space between co and .uk]: .uk/news/uk-england-london-65321937

The death of a doctor after his Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab was due to “unintended complications of the vaccine”, an inquest has ruled.

Stephen Wright, an NHS psychologist in south-east London, died 10 days after his first dose in January 2021, senior coroner Andrew Harris found.

Of course, they emphasize this kind of event is rare:

At London Inner South Coroner’s Court, Mr Harris described it as a “very unusual and deeply tragic case”. AstraZeneca (AZ) has been approached for comment.

How unlucky for the victim to have been killed by such a “very unusual” case, when he was one of the first people to receive the vaccine.

Strange, is it not?

They take us for fools. And unfortunately, they are probably right.

Tyranny Through Weaponized Bureaucracy

Jordan Peterson interviews Dr. Scott Jensen

Another example of the development described by James Burnham in his 1941 book “The Managerial Revolution”, which I mention in this post.

From the video description:

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Scott Jensen walk through his accomplished professional life in family medicine, as well as his successful run as a Minnesota senator, all before having his reputation in both fields dismantled for what may be purely political reasons. Six investigations across nearly five years and numerous allegations without cohesion, proof, or relation have amounted to nothing, save for the clarification of Dr. Jensen’s newest goal: to take on the medical board that had no justification for its actions. Given the parallels between Dr. Jensen and Dr. Peterson’s experiences, this interview was not only inevitable but paramount.

Dr. Scott Jensen has practiced family medicine in Carver County, Minnesota, for 35 years. Jensen then served in the Minnesota Senate (2017-2021) and was vice-chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, as well as the Republican Governor candidate in the 2022 election.

He has served many organizations as a board member or chair including the Waconia School Board, numerous Rotary and Lions clubs, several Chambers of Commerce, and bank boards. He is an avid pilot and writer, publishing his first book in 2015, “Relationship Matters” and his second book, “We’ve Been Played” in 2022. In 2001, he founded Catalyst Medical Clinic which now has offices located in Watertown and Chaska.

The video is here (prompted at the actual beginning).

Near the beginning, Jensen says: His medical supervisory board told him in April 2020, as a physician: If you believe that Covid-19 “contributed” to a death, you can put it down as cause of death.

What’s in the Pfizer Documents?

Dr. Naomi Wolf on the horrific findings

Some time ago, a group of scientists, lawyers and activists attempted through FOI to get access to the documentation of the company Pfizer in relation to the development of the vaccine.

At first, the US government blocked this move by granting Pfizer a 75 year (!) reprieve from having to release the papers. The activists went to court and Pfizer had to release the documents.

It took a few thousand dedicated experts and some co-ordination, but now the truth is beginning to come out.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, about whom I have written here before, gives an overview of the horrific side effects Pfizer knew about in their first testing phase and soon after the rollout. The talk itself is about 45 minutes long, followed by about 20 minutes of Q&A.

Wolf’s conclusion is that the vaccines are a bioweapon. The attackers are the Chinese government, and the targets are the US, Canada and Western Europe.

I’m in no position to judge. But Dr. Naomi Wolf is no flake. And, on top of that, this long-time feminist of the left, who is Jewish, says again, here, that her involvement in researching the pandemic, the lockstep countermeasures, the censorship and cancelling of dissent around them, the vaccines etc have led her to believe in God again.

Is the collective West nearing the end of a cycle?

Or are we still in mid-cycle? And could it be an epochal point of inflection?

Writes Alastair Crooke:

The levelling project being essentially nihilistic becomes captured by the destructive side of the revolution – its authors so absorbed with dismantling structures that they do not attend to the need to think policies through, before launching into them. The latter are not adept at doing politics: at making politics ‘work’.

(Interenstingly, this applies not only to foreign policy, such as Ukraine and Taiwan, but also to Covid and climate change policies.)

Thus, discontent at the welling string of western foreign policy flops grows. Crises multiply, both in number and across different societal dimensions. Perhaps, we are closening to a point of beginning to move through the cycle – toward disillusionment, retrenchment, and stabilization; the prerequisite step to catharsis and ultimate renewal. Yet, it would be a mistake to underestimate the longevity and tenacity of the western revolutionary impulse.

“The revolution does not operate as an explicit political movement. It operates laterally through the bureaucracy and it filters its revolutionary language through the language of the therapeutic, the language of the pedagogical, or the language of the corporate HR department”, Professor Furedi writes. “And then, it establishes power anti-democratically, bypassing the democratic structure: using this manipulative and soft language – to continue the revolution from within the institutions.”