Category Archives: Media

Who is responsible for the eco-terrorists on our roads?

Ultimately, our managerial class and its totalitarian drive

The self-righteous people blocking roads in this and other countries currently think they need to do this to save the world. They don’t mind endangering lives and damaging property. They’ve made that abundantly clear. For what purpose they want to save the world they don’t seem to know, at least they don’t say. The reason for that is clear: The currently dominant belief-system in the West assumes that there is no purpose in the universe. To formulate an ultimate purpose would run counter to that narrative. Thinking about that would expose the emptiness of their outlook. So they instinctively avoid doing so. Instead, all they say is that they want a future. Don’t we all? So why are they behaving like maniacs?

Apart from their above mentioned belief-system, which inevitably leads to depression, here are some reasons they have lost all reason:

  1. In 2018, the BBC told staff they no longer need to invite climate-change “deniers” on to its programmes, suggesting that allowing them to speak was like letting someone deny last week’s football scores. This callous disregard for science and the scientific, always enquiring and, yes, sceptical method has entrapped young people in the delusion that what they are hearing over the airwaves (and many other media) is scientific “truth”. (We saw the same procedure, BTW, “on stilts”, during the Covid pandemic.)
  2. The managerial class in governments around the world and education have no interest in nurturing critical thinking. They are comfortable with a populous that is quivering with hysterical fear. Such a populous will do as it’s told and not disturb their work. Work that is striving for totalitarian rule. This is the fundamental drive behind Tony Blair’s famous mantra on education. What he really meant was: “Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.”
  3. The churches do not seem to realise that the whole eco-ideology (which in its core is anti-human) is a counter-religion to Christianity. Indeed, many churches appear to be co-opted by this counter-religion. So here, too, a counter-narrative that could give hope is blocked off.
  4. Thus, these deluded people sticking themselves to the tarmac, gantries, works of art and whatnot have no reference-point in reality. All possible outlets for sensible counter-narratives to unfounded doomsday-scenarios have been effectively blocked off. They are totally lost. Unless reason and proper scientific discourse is allowed back into the public sphere, this is only going to get worse.

Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination

UK government reports, to be more specific

Full article here.

Closing Arguments: The data doesn’t lie

There is plenty more evidence out there to prove that the Covid-19 injections are killing hundreds of thousands of people every single week. For instance, the UK Government has confirmed fully vaccinated young adults are 92% more likely to die than unvaccinated young adults (see here).

They’ve also confirmed COVID vaccinated children are at least 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated children (see here).

But the most damning evidence of all lies in 4 simple facts.

Fact No.1: Medicine Regulators have been forced to admit the Covid-19 vaccine can damage the heart.

Fact No.2: Record-breaking numbers of people are requesting an ambulance due to conditions affecting the heart.

Fact No.3: Hundreds of thousands of excess deaths are being recorded around the world on a weekly basis, but only a small minority can be attributed to Covid-19.

Fact No.4: Age-standardised mortality rates are lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group.

These are not baseless claims. They are official Government statistics and they are found in official Government reports.

Therefore, official Government reports prove without a shadow of a doubt that hundreds of thousands of people are dying every single week due to Covid-19 vaccination.

See also, on the same subject, Dr. John Campbell. He points out in this video that the media handling of the current excess deaths in the UK. At the 13:11 mark he compares the current weekly excess deaths (week ending 21st October 2022) of 1,822 with the excess deaths in the week before the first lockdown (23rd March 2020), which was 1,379. Almost complete silence in the media now compared to total hysteria then. Strange indeed.

A ‘pandemic amnesty’ is a dangerous idea

Without true repentance there can be no true forgiveness

“The authoritarianism of the lockdown years must never be forgotten”, writes Lauren Smith. Correct: Forgive, yes (as long as there is real regret, remorse, revocation and repentance). But not forget, lest the descent into tyranny happens all over again, and worse next time. Even faith leaders were pushing the fraud, making themselves shills for big pharma.

In the same vein, here’s Paul Joseph Watson with “oops, sorry!“.

Addendum (02/11/2022): Here‘s a good take on this article by Igor Chudov:

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Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

A documentary film about the Covid "vaccine"

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

Produced in collaboration with Oracle Films and Mark Sharman; Former ITV and BSkyB Executive and News Uncut, it’s a self-financed, one-hour TV programme, formatted for 2 commercial breaks.”

Why people don’t admit they’re wrong

The no longer know how to think critically

Todd Hayden has written an article (“Admit You’re Wrong, Or Die“) in which he observes that people are less able to admit they’re wrong than they used to be.

What is this? I am a pretty old guy, and I do remember a time when people were more flexible. Sure, no one likes to admit they’re wrong, but they actually used to do that, at least occasionally.

He looks for reasons:

I will stick to the idea that much of this resistance to absorbing the evidential truth and changing minds accordingly has to do with a decades-long priming. People in general no longer know up from down—as they blindly navigate the bizarre-o streets of the 2000s. Not much that their senses pick up is automatically, as it used to be, identified accurately.

He blames technology:

Anything our senses are asked to evaluate as evidence is rejected as such, like in a magic show. Nothing can be trusted anymore, until some certain type of authority says it can be. There’s the catch.

He also, briefly and obliquely, touches on education:

If you have nearly no system of determining reality (your senses and common sense), and have never been taught to critically think so you can ascertain truth with a blindfold on, then you are going to be looking for someone to whisper in your ear to describe what it is you are looking at but cannot see. [My emphasis, PwG]

I am currently reading a book by Gary North, his last, called “The Biblical Structure of History”, in which he lays out that modern historians, not basing their study on the presupposition of a creator God, have no way of referencing their perception of the past to anything fixed. Therefore, their history becomes something totally random and relative.

This perception of history became dominant soon after the first world war. It has by now percolated throughout society. The result is that people no longer know what to believe, but still must make their way through society and life. And so they latch on to “some certain type of authority” who tells them what’s up and what’s down, what’s right and what’s wrong. No matter how much it contradicts their “common sense”. And they believe it, and act accordingly.