Category Archives: Science

Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy by Dr. Peter McCullough, Mises Institute Speech

31 minute speech here. (Also here and here.)

Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy by Dr. McCullough, Mises Institute Speech, Medical Freedom Summit, Windham, NH, August 19, 2023. This speech was followed by a wonderful presentation from ethicist and former professor of medicine Dr. Aaron Kheriaty. The audience was a prestigious group of intellectuals and business magnates hosted by Joe Matarese in Windham, New Hampshire.

The Royal Society’s lockdown pseudoscience

This once venerable scientific institution has ignored all of the real-world evidence against the Covid restrictions.

Article by David Livermore.


Real-world evidence against NPIs [Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions] is also nowhere to be found in the Royal Society’s report. Although only a minority of countries adopted few or no restrictions in response to the pandemic, Belarus, Sweden and Nicaragua can all be counted as examples. They are the closest to a control group that we have if we are truly to understand the effects of NPIs. However, searching the report for these countries returns zero hits. This is odd, considering that South Korea appears 52 times and China 19 times.

From Covid to Climate Change: Vehicles for Global Authoritarianism

Article by Brandon Smith.


Globalists seem to have greatly underestimated the potential resistance to their agenda, specifically in the US where 50 million+ armed citizens were ready to go to war over the draconian restrictions. I think the vaccine passports were the KEY to the scheme; vax passports would have given the establishment full spectrum dominance of the economy with people unable to get jobs or purchase necessities without submitting to the mandates.

It was here that many conservatives, independents and dozens of red states (to my surprise) made their stand, and suddenly, like magic, the covid hysteria vanished. The media propaganda campaign went quiet (compared to the previous two years), and the mandates were abandoned in most places around the world. The globalists were not ready to risk a fight against a massive insurgency.