Category Archives: Science

Officials were warned of the dangers of the Covid vaccines

In late 2020, and went ahead nonetheless

See this article from 4th December 2020 (!):

Doctors petition EU to stop all COVID vaccine studies due to grave risks

Due to significant safety concerns, a former vice president and chief scientist for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, has joined a prominent German physician and past head of a local public health department in petitioning for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 vaccine studies in Europe.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, who held Pfizer’s most senior research position in the field of allergy and respiratory medicines prior to his departure in 2011, and epidemiologist and pulmonary specialist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg have filed their petition with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is responsible for approving drugs in the European Union at large.

Ex-Pfizer VP: COVID vax push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to ‘maim and kill deliberately’

Dr. Michael Yeadon speaks

Article here.


In a separate correspondence with LifeSiteNews, Yeadon summarized, “[t]he alleged vaccines were designed to injure, maim and kill. Multiple obvious toxicities were deliberately built into their designs, with the result that there would be high expectations of blood clots, autoimmune attacks and cytokine storms all over the body, depending on where it went in a given individual.”

“Finally, the mRNA agents were formulated in lipid nanoparticles, which was known from 2012 to cause accumulation in certain viscera, notably ovaries. Negative impacts on fertility were also virtually assured.”

“None of this could possibly be defended as inadvertent,” he concluded.

The Covid Deception: The Dire Consequences of the Lack of Accountability

Only accountability can rescue freedom from tyranny.

Paul Craig Roberts summarises the current situation.

Excerpts (my emphases):

Reiner Fuellmich, who has been investigating together with thousands of attorneys and scientists assembled in the German Corona Investigative Committee the toxicity of the vaccine, has collected enormous evidence that the vaccine is toxic.  The puzzle has been why some suffered death or injury and others did not.  The answer is the inconsistency of the vaccine batches.  Experts, such as former Pfizer vice president and chief science officer Dr. Michael Yeadon and former head of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Dr. Wolfgang Wodran, have concluded that “criminal acts are being committed” and that “a big crime is so obvious.”

You can read the report here, I encourage you to do so.  I am now going to turn to its implications.

We know for a fact that the “Covid pandemic” was a fear-driven orchestration, and that no aspect of the treatment protocol was effective or made any sense.  The masks do not protect. The lockdowns did more harm than good. Human rights were violated by coerced mandated involuntary vaccinations with a substance untested and put into use under an emergency authorization that required that there were no known treatments or cures.

The emergency use requirement meant that known cures successfully used in other countries, such as Brazil and India, had to be denied and prohibited from use in the US and other parts of the Western world.  US public health authorities and the presstitutes lied through their teeth that Ivermectin and HCQ were dangerous and unapproved drugs.  Ivermectin was said to be a horse medicine dangerous to humans.  In actual fact both drugs had long been approved for human use and had many decades of use and perfect safety records.  Ivermectin is routinely taken as a preventative of river blindness in those parts of Africa where the parasite is prevalent, and HCQ has long been used as a preventative of malaria.


Remember also that hospitals were incentivized to maximize Covid deaths as they were paid some $39,000 for each Covid death.  Consequently, nearly all deaths were reported as Covid deaths, even motorcycle accidents, thus maximizing the reported Covid death rate and driving people to vaccination.  

Remember, the PCR test used to diagnose Covid was said by the test’s inventor to be incapable of diagnosing Covid.  The PCR test produced up to 97% false positives, thus immensely exaggerating the pandemic.

Remember too, that the original explanation for Covid was infected bat meat sold in a Chinese market.  We now know for a fact that Covid was an engineered virus and that the “gain-of-function” aspect, which made if contagious, was financed by NIH at the University of North Carolina and when criticism arose due to concerns it violated the Biowarfare Convention, the funding was moved to Wuhan in China.  Remember also, that initially DARPA was involved in the manufacture of the virus.

The new story is that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, but more alert people believe the Covid virus was intentionally released.

There are many independent scientists with no Big Pharma conflicts of interest who regard the “vaccine” as not only more deadly than Covid but also as a bioweapon.  Clearly, the fact now revealed that 5% of the doses account for the adverse effects implies motive and intention.  This must be investigated by independent scientists and organizations.  It is difficult to expect Congress, as dependent as its members are on Big Pharma campaign funds, and the regulatory public health agencies, FDA, NIH, CDC, agencies that are revolving door Big Pharma marketing agents, to honestly investigate the “Covid pandemic” and the toxic batches of the vaccine.

If there is no investigation and no accountability, you can expect worse orchestrated pandemics in the near future.  There are indications that the US has been experimenting with weaponizing ebola, and within the past two years I reported that vials of deadly smallpox had twice been discovered lying about on counters instead of being under lock and key.


Bioweapon research is Satanic and contrary to the Biowarfare Convention. That the US continues this illegal research is a danger to every American and to the entire world.  Moreover, it shows a reckless unconcern on the part of the US government and its scientists for law and life.  

Government agencies that operate secretly outside the law can lie forever to Congress and can invoke “national security,” a holy cow for Congress, and escape accountability.  We are currently watching the FBI and DOJ continue their protection of Joe and Hunter Biden while pursuing President Trump with false charges.  

Nuclear war is a real possibility.  The neoconservatives’ hostility toward all countries capable of serving as constraints on US unilateralism, together with the Kremlin’s endless tolerance of provocations, are leading to nuclear war.

We face equal risk of extermination from the US government’s weaponization of deadly viruses.  This work continues unobstructed and justified with every kind of false argument.  “Our enemies are doing it, so we must also in order to protect ourself.”  Or as Fauci, Gates, and others claim, we have to make deadly viruses in order to study them so we can be able to preempt them with vaccines.

These arguments are false.  Moreover, the consequences for humanity and all life of nuclear war and bioweapons are so horrific that it makes the pursuit of peace the ultimate of all goals.  But Washington is pursuing hegemony, which is a guarantee of war.

The danger of our situation cannot be exaggerated.  Only accountability for the orchestrated Covid pandemic can re-establish human life as more important than Big Pharma’s profits and rescue freedom from tyranny.

Public Health and the Illusion of Control

The collapse of expertise

Very illuminating conversation Tom Woods has here with Ian Miller (author of the recently published book “Illusion of Control: COVID-19 and the Collapse of Expertise“) about the way the public health officials in the US failed totally. It wasn’t just a case of “we didn’t know at the beginning what to do”. It was a clear attempt at a power grab.

From the description of the podcast of this discussion on Tom Woods’ own website:

Ian Miller returns to discuss the charade we endured for three years, in which the alleged experts pretended to be able to protect people from a disease they ended up having zero ability to protect them from.

The New ‘Good German’ and Totalitarian Technocracy

Ominous parallels to today

Article (from 21st October 2021) here.


The 20th century watched in horror as the rising of dictatorial regimes quickly took the form of totalitarian technocracies. Technocracy is the science of social engineering, a regime of broad control over the population that grows in the shadow of power and under the guise of scientific knowledge and ‘consent’. The democratic process becomes increasingly irrelevant as decision-making ends up in the hands of unelected bureaucrats and favoured advisers, with public debate stifled by a homogeneous discourse, avidly propagated by the media, that favours the ruling elite’s diktats being imposed by so-called “experts” who claim the salvitic status of ultimate defenders of human life and guardians of a “science”.

Since the spread of the Wuhan virus at the dawn of 2020, it is possible to observe some visible signs that something remarkably strange is happening across the world in general, and the West in particular. Today, those who manage to resist the sweeping mesmerism of the media are able to observe disturbing signs that point to the rapid consolidation of a technocratic agenda on a global scale, one whose strength seems to far surpass the political, legal, and theological structures that had so far sustained the edifice of Western civilisation and cost centuries of conflicts to be consolidated.


After an extensive political and media campaign aimed at instilling, on a large scale and relentlessly, fear and anxiety amongst the population, a sophisticated media campaign with utilitarian and scientific overtones prepared the spirit of the average citizen to consent to the point of complicity with the atrocities that would be perpetrated on a massive scale on “undesirables”. Thus a kind of “new normal” can be gradually developed to potentially justify any atrocity that might be supposed on the basis of public safety and health of the people.

Accordingly, under the Nazi technocratic apparatus in full operation, every form of political dissent had to be meticulously silenced. Books or tracts opposed to the dominant narrative of the government were burned on huge pyres amid scenic parades, while the media (newspapers, magazines, cinema and radio) were committed to consolidating the prevailing governmental discourse, according to the censorship engendered by its notorious propaganda minister, Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels.


Under Hitler, the dissident scientist risked imprisonment and death. Today’s dissenters do not risk  death, but certainly the loss of the professional accreditation and, although we have not yet seen a case, even imprisonment. Will medical scientists, heavily dependent on government payments to pursue their vocations, behave like the fellow travellers of National Socialism – taking benefits from government while claiming that, as individuals, they are not in any way responsible for the dictated policies they nevertheless implement?

The good medical practitioner will reject the use of individuals as instruments, as a means to an end. There is an urgent need today for medical scientists and pharmacologists not only skilled practitioners in their disciplines but who also possess a high sense of moral responsibility to question, probe, pose and criticise the trends of government-dominated science. The best defence against the prostitution and abuse of science is for scientists to unite in unofficial constituencies, both small and large, to create independent communities of individuals who are human beings first and scientists second. These constituencies will provide the pluralist checks and balances that alert the public to the irresponsible exploitation of medical science which poses threats not just to personal freedom and the rule of law but to the health of the average citizen. 

As you read this article, you may be surprised to see that so many similarities between then and now are unfolding before our eyes. Yes, Nazi Germany might indeed have some lessons to teach us. The grave danger is that the State and its apparatchiks have embraced the wrong ones.

The Climate Change story told by ice cores…

... contradicts the narrative the propagandists of man-made climate change would want you to believe

Four-minute video here.

Essentially: It appears that around the time when we started measuring temperatures around the world systematically (from about 1850), the earth, or at least the northern hemisphere, was emerging from the coldest phase in the last 10.000 years. And we’re still far below the average of that era.

This puts the theory of man-made “immanent catastrophic” climate change very much in question.

King Charles: a reactionary ruler

Our green, mystical monarch harbours a deep suspicion of modernity, science and freedom.

Article by Tim Black.


The problem is that Charles’s ultra-reactionary worldview no longer provokes the ridicule it might once have done. Quite the opposite. Our political and media classes now seem in love with his reactionary rantings – albeit their more diluted versions. They may have no idea what Traditionalism means or stands for, but they certainly share his climate-change apocalypticism. They may not be yearning for a conservative revolution, but in the declinist ambience of Charles’s screeds and speeches, they see a dim reflection of their own green-tinged disillusionment with modernity. Their own disenchantment with liberalism and democracy. And so they have been actively calling for him to abandon the neutrality of his predecessor. They even claim that his views on the environment are ‘uncontroversial’ and that expressing them would not violate any constitutional protocols.

US president Joe Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, says he hopes Charles will continue to press for action on climate, claiming it ‘is a universal issue… not ideology’. ‘King Charles has been an environmentalist for 50 years’, opines the Washington Post. ‘Now is the time for him to make his case to the British people.’ Others have gone even further. ‘We are fortunate that our new king possesses a willingness to intercede in public life’, wrote one particularly excited ‘post-liberal’, just after Charles’s accession to the throne. ‘His instincts are good and just, and his decades-long critiques of globalisation, of our despoliation of our natural and built environments and our pell-mell rush towards the mythical horizon of progress have been tragically borne out by events’, he wrote.

This is what is most troubling. Not that Charles likes to think of himself as a 1920s-style conservative revolutionary, engaged in a project of often bizarre avant-gardist reaction. But the fact that these views chime so well with those of our political and cultural elites. His reactionary views, once the source of ridicule, are now theirs, too.

Discussing censorship on Twitter

Jordan Peterson discusses this with David Zweig

Video is here.

From the description:

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and journalist David Zweig discuss his role in breaking the Twitter Files, government censorship in society, the extent to which lockdowns were effective, how they affected children in particular, and how one renegade church would not bow to overzealous regulation.

David Zweig is a writer and journalist, with multiple books published, such as “Invisibles” in 2014 and the upcoming “Abundance of Caution” that centers on the effects of the COVID-19 response on schools and children. He was also one of the journalists who helped break the Twitter Files, focusing on the suppression of information to the satisfaction of the U.S. government and the public health establishment.

Chapters – (0:00) Coming up (1:16) Intro (1:51) The role of the media (3:25) How Zweig joined the Twitter Files team (5:02) Parameters of the investigation (6:00) Determining relevance (9:39) Why Zweig chose to tackle lockdowns (14:13) Having solid stories turned down (18:44) Bari Weiss, willing to listen (21:53) What the suppression of voices on Twitter means (26:23) Public trust in vaccines before the pandemic (30:45) The biological parallel (33:00) Overt focus on the pathogen left us blind to the side effects of our response (35:43) “Stay in your lane” (30:42) The problem of having too many options (41:58) Why we have natural, inalienable rights (47:55) Early data that was completely ignored (49:52) Weighing risk against value (53:45) An astonishing lack of curiosity (54:40) The evidence based hierarchy: where expert opinion ranks (57:30) The censorship at Twitter exposed (1:00:25) Some censorship is not unreasonable (1:01:03) Psychology of troll behavior (1:03:09) The few can corrupt the whole (1:05:22)The job of a journalist is NOT to draw the line (1:07:26) Authoritarian information control (1:13:43) Confusing a model with actual data (1:14:52) The error in “techno-solutionism” (1:18:07) The places that stayed closed and those left outside (1:22:22) Critical well being dispensed over assumptions (1:25:10) Asking questions makes YOU the pathogen (1:27:08) Spying on church members, millions in fines (1:31:50) Rapidly diminishing returns across time (1:33:30) The truly affected are those who lost their support systems